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Demographics of Dominica
The total population of Dominica is 74,308 people. In Dominica, the population density is 96 people per square kilometer (250 per square mile). Based on these statistics, this country is considered sparsely populated. Ethnic diversity is nearly uniform according to a fractionation scale, which is 0.2003 for Dominica. Dominica has approximately 6720 foreign immigrants. The average age is around 32.1 years. In Dominica, 55.18 people out of 100 use the internet. Dominica has a Human Development Index (HDI) of 0.717.

Demographics in Dominica - Confidus Solutions

Demographics in Dominica - Confidus Solutions

The demographics of Dominica and the human resources available for your business. In total, 74,308 people live in the country. Out of them, 43.91% or 32,630 people are an active workforce. Dominica is considered to be a developing nation. The linguis