Netizens' attitude towards realistic sex doll

words from some sex doll players

Opinions against silicone sex dolls

1. I feel like men who like realistic sex doll are an escape from real life! They don't want to think about the communication between people, they feel that they are facing life in the simplest way, but they let themselves fall into a vicious circle of aliens!

2. The sadness of modern people, I think raising a sex doll costs a lot more than raising a girlfriend? Or are they inherently prejudiced against girls, thinking that all girls are the same

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3. I always feel like that sex doll is like a corpse, sorry don't hit me

4. The more advanced the times are, the more lonely people are, the simplicity of social groups is gone, the types of mental illness are more complex, the pursuit of silicone sex dolls, the pursuit of inner comfort but neglect of group relations, the outcome can be imagined.

5. Work hard to communicate with people! Find a way to integrate into society! If conditions permit, travel more and go for a walk! Open your eyes! Get your mind moving! Stop interacting with sex dolls!


Opinions on japanese sex dolls support

1. In an era when there are more men and fewer women, rich people do not necessarily have to marry a wife, it is better to have a sex doll

2. Although I will not raise any japanese sex dolls myself. But I understand these people and hope that the technology will become more mature in the future, and the sex dolls can have temperature and artificial intelligence implantation. They are better than gays after all.

3. I may be the alien you say, I feel out of place with the surroundings, and I don’t think it is necessary to have a girlfriend or wife, just have a child: I feel that men who like sex dolls are an escape from real life! They don't want to think about the communication between people, they feel that they are facing life in the simplest way, but they let themselves fall into a vicious circle of aliens!

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4. It's very good, and it doesn't hinder anyone, and it doesn't disturb others. It's his own business to live with sex dolls.

5. Looking forward to the development of robot mini sex dolls technology, able to move, have temperature, and chat, so that it is no longer a simple physical comfort, but also meets the needs of psychology and life. The day when women are replaced is not far away, anyway, now Every woman is proud to look down on men, and men will always only like young men

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