What the ideal setup is for me to RuneScape

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Even if I get 300k/h thats good for RS gold me because Iam not a member and in f2p you have nothing pricey to buy anyhow so, and that I jsut missing 2.5m in a pvp world, I totally forget all of my money that in my inventory (2.5m but its bothersome loosing that, well I died first, than I went to lumbridge bank to buy my stuffs back, and I neglect it wasnt a secure zone in lumbridge) (umm that the swordies gloves provides a faster catching speed or jsut 100exp longer )? . .seriously Iam getting tired, I start thinking its a waste of time if I dont go in p2p.

I only finished up getting 90 Fishing making a fantastic 40m+ and that I purchased Bandos. What else could be helpful for me to save up for slayer? I'm fishing Rocktails occasionally so the cash will build up pretty fast. Recommend anything 50m or lower. Try to get an Enhanced Excalibur for jobs if you are not likely to use a Saradomin Godsword. Might need a shield (Dragonfire/Blessed Spirit/Dragon Square/Rune Kite) for jobs where you want an extra piece of defence instead of offensive bonuses from the rune defender.

Do you already have bunyip/unicorn? Saradomin Godsword is not necessary for slaying... Much like Bandos armour. Why use Bandos when Barrows armour has improved defence? +2 prayer and +6 strength hardly justifies the exorbitant cost I reckon. Not much you may change actually... Unless you wan na na purchase Dragon Claws for a unique attack weapon or anything... That is kind of useless too because you can replace this with a Dragon Dagger P++/Improved Excalibur... Zamorakian Spear for Waterfiends tasks if you buy them...?

As of right now, I am at level 68 combat, which is a little low to conquer two level 100 dagganoths. I had been wondering what the ideal setup is for me to really go about the final battle. Im planning on using a dlong along with also a ddagger (p++) for your own spec. Im going to use the highest potential mage strikes I can, but I need to know the best installation I can use and also make it out of this battle alive and it has to be cheap, I am somewhat tight on cash. Thank you in advance. Im also considering bringing sharks as meals. P.S. is there a safespot for maging? Because if there is, I think I'll probably just do that. (that's exactly what I did for missing city)

I don't feel that there's a safespot (you'll have to double check). I did it at about the same battle level as you, mind you I'd Protection Prayers. The very first Dagganoth is quite easy, so only melee him. Should you just happen to own Void Armour (from Pest Control) that will be exceedingly useful. Protection Prayers are also quite useful, though it might cost you near 1m to reach 43 Prayer. The battle aganst the second Dagganoth will be very tough, so try to buy old school runescape gold memorize when you need to switch between Range/Melee/Mage.

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