Introduction to some aspects of stamping defects

1. Cracking
Inspection method: visual evaluation criteria:

Type A defects: cracks that can be noticed by users without training. Stamping parts with such defects are unacceptable to users, and stamping parts must be frozen immediately after discovery.
Type B defects: Visib

1. Cracking

Inspection method: visual evaluation criteria:

  • Type A defects: cracks that can be noticed by users without training. Stamping parts with such defects are unacceptable to users, and stamping parts must be frozen immediately after discovery.
  • Type B defects: Visible and determinable micro cracks. Stamping parts with such defects are not acceptable in Zones I and II. Repair welding and repairing in other areas is allowed, but the repaired parts are not easy to detect by customers and must meet the stamping requirements. Repair standards for parts.
  • Type C defects: The defects are ambiguous and determined after careful inspection. The stamping parts of this type of defect will be repaired in Zone II, Zone III and IV, but the repaired parts are not easy to be found by customers and must meet the requirements of stamping parts. Rework standard.

2. Strains, coarse grains, and dark injuries

Inspection method: visual evaluation criteria:

Type A defects: untrained users can also notice strains, coarse grains, and concealed injuries. Stamping parts with such defects are not acceptable to users, and stamping parts must be frozen immediately after discovery.

Type B defects: visible and determinable minor strains, coarse grains, and dark scratches.Stamped aluminum parts with such defects are acceptable in zone IV.

Type C defects: slight strain, coarse grains, and dark damage. Stamping parts with such defects are acceptable in zone III and IV.

3. Flat pond

Inspection method: visual inspection, whetstone polishing, touch, oiling Evaluation criteria:

  • Type A defects: It is a defect that users cannot accept, and users who have not been trained can also notice that stamping parts must be frozen immediately after such collapsed ponds are discovered. Type A collapsed pond stampings are not allowed to exist in any area.
  • Type B defect: It is an unpleasant defect. It is a tangible and definite pit that can be felt and visible on the outer surface of the stamping part. Such defects are not allowed on the outer surface of the stamping parts I and II. Slumped pond.
  • Type C defects: defects that need to be corrected. Most of these collapsed ponds are in an ambiguous situation and can only be seen after the oilstone is polished. Stamping parts of this kind of slumping pond are acceptable.
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