I suggest training on edgeville guys with melee untill you receive

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Herb runs have a normal benefit of 2-4m each hour, together with RuneScape gold the disadvantage that you may only do 6 minutes of it every 2 hours or so. It is a good way to take a rest from whatever you are doing, such as nolifing a skill, or to begin/end your session of playing RS. If you appreciate time at over 4m per hour, do not farm Herbs.

The purpose of the Herb run is to travel as quickly as possible to each of the Herb spots you have available to you, harvest herbs to market for cash, and replant the seeds for a later crop. Together with the best gear and using all 5 patches, it is possible to finish a run in under 6 minutes, with the timer starting when you teleport into Trollheim and ending after all patches are harvested and replanted, and all tools stored.

The Ardougne Cloak 4 can be substituted with either Ardougne Cloak 2 or 3, but these Cloaks can just make use of the Farm patch teleport once every day. Otherwise, you can use Teleport to North Ardougne (should unlock at Livid Farm) but that places you a reasonable distance from the Farming patches. Teleport to Catherby can be replaced with Buy rs3 gold a Teleport into Camelot or even a Camelot tab. The Trollheim Patch cannot be diseased/die.

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