Would be mad about spell batching being nerfed

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What you're asking for is a match in the soul of WOW Classic, maybe not WOW Classic Warcraft. Blizzard can get to this, but I believe they need to buy wow gold classic to see the servers during their WOW Classic life. They're not going to make modifications to future phases now, it doesn't make sense. Perhaps with the launch of TBC they will relaunch WOW Classic servers again with a couple of modifications (tweaked raid bosses, herb spawn times), but you won't get it before then. Also - a few of your things are contradicting. "Raids are too simple" vs"Consumables are too expensive" for example.

Additionally, no one in their right mind would be mad about spell batching being nerfed or allowing healers floating combat text. What you are asking for is effectively WOW Classic +. I don't say that's a bad thing, but you won't receive it in the current WOW Classic lifecycle. You may get it afterwards, with the release of TBC should they begin new WOW Classic servers. Probably not but if we do not ask, we wont. The point is simply to spark discussion about whether these modifications would be good. Do you?

Not really, nobody in their right mind believe current WOW Classic raid issue is vanilla such as. If the numbers are correct. This might be less of an issue with AQ and Naxx since we had practically the same gear and talents that we do in WOW Classic however Molten Core and BWL suffered exceptionally hard from utilizing the first numbers with 1.12 abilities and itemization. I explained your answers contradict each other (create the raids more difficult, but consumables more economical ).

I do concur that content is too easy and must be buffed. I was a hardliner on No Changes, and I must say I regret it. Now I am only raid logging until TBC comes out. The matter is, I had high hopes for WOW Classic and was sort of let down, and I think the same thing could happen with TBC unless they liven up and actively handle WOW Classic. How should they handle it? That remains to be seen. Just as I did not realize how awful WOW Classic was going cheapest wow classic gold to be before, I don't have the foresight. That is left to folks.

You recorded five reasons why"spell batching is ruining PVP", however you show very little comprehension of how it works. We can proceed through each of your illustrations point. While this is caused by spell batching, you must understand that contemporary WoW has charm batching. In WOW Classic we've got a charm batching window of 400 ms, as it was in Vanilla. So long as any kind of spell batching exists (which it pretty much has to) moves such as this are possible.

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