In the animation, Uther's soul is located on the doorstep of this Kyrian in Bastion

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But at the same time, the fact that Activision-Blizzard waited this long to announce the release date meant that I was somewhat worried that a number of the bombastic expansion starts -- like that of the maligned Fight For Azeroth -- were a thing of Classic gold wow the past. However, Blizzard just released the Bastion animated brief, the first part of this Afterlives series, which will see new episodes for each of those Covenants in Shadowlands leading up to launch.

And for anyone that has invested a great deal of time with the game, and more importantly, has paid any amount of attention to the story, will find a lot to appreciate in this particular cinematic. Here, see it today, because I'll be spoiling the entire thing here.

The entire shtick of this video show appears to be moving through all of the covenants, also Bastion is themed around the Kyrian covenant in, well, Bastion. Based on Wowhead's overview of every one of those covenants, the Kyrian have been"tasked with shuttling souls between the lands of the living and the dead". If you want a way more comprehensive guide to everything that the Kyrian Covenant provides, Wowhead has you covered there,

Just inject World of Warcraft: Shadowlands in my veins

However, a bunch of angels shepherding the spirits of the dead to where they belong into the Shadowlands is pretty much exactly what I expected from a minumum of one of those covenants in Shadowlands, so what really blew me away here was which personalities were chosen to illustrate the covenant's purpose.

Blizzard based the debut into the Kyrian covenant around Uther the Lightbringer, who's among the most significant characters in all Warcraft. Not only was this dude the first paladin, but he was also the instructor of Arthas Menethil, probably the most famous villain in Warcraft history -- you may know him as the Lich King.

In the animation, Uther's soul is located on the doorstep of this Kyrian in Bastion, as there's some type of afterlife sorting system which places souls where they belong in the Shadowlands. However, Uther can not let go of his lifetime, and he thirsts for justice. He's chastised to this for a while before Devos, the Paragon watching him over, notices that his spirit is injured from Frostmourne, the Lich King's blade

Now, I could probably enter super-deep detail about why some of the matters, but I'll save myself the effort, and also you the agony of digging through it. And, Arthas, who has caused so much harm, by seemingly channeling the power of buy wow gold classic this maw, was throw into this wicked place from the soul of his childhood teacher who died by his blade.

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