How to Save on the Cost of Eyeglasses

To make informed decisions and avoid unnecessary expenses, it is wise to conduct research on your options even before undergoing an eye examination. This will enable you to be well-prepared and ask relevant questions during your appointment, as well as gain a deeper understanding of the av

To make informed decisions and avoid unnecessary expenses, it is wise to conduct research on your options even before undergoing an eye examination. This will enable you to be well-prepared and ask relevant questions during your appointment, as well as gain a deeper understanding of the available choices.

Additionally, you can utilize reputable online resources like,, and to access valuable information. These platforms offer guidance on selecting lenses, frames, and additional features like anti-reflective coatings. These webs will help you get the cheapest eyeglasses.

According to James Wachter, an optometrist at Clarkson Eyecare in St. Louis, if your prescription is over a year old, it is necessary to undergo a new eye exam. During your visit to the doctor, it is advisable to seek recommendations on suitable lenses and frames for your specific needs. For example, your ophthalmologist might suggest a particular type of progressive lens or recommend a specific material for your lenses. They may also caution against frames that cannot properly accommodate your prescription, such as rimless models that may not complement thick lenses or frames that are too narrow to handle the various vision fields present in progressive and other multifocal lenses.

Make sure to ask your doctor to measure your pupillary distance (PD), which is the distance between the center of each of your pupils, and include it on your prescription. This measurement is essential if you plan on ordering lenses online, especially if you need multifocal lenses which require two PD measurements. While some eyewear websites provide instructions for self-measurement, it is recommended by Adam Gordon, O.D., a clinical associate professor of optometry at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, to have a professional do it for more accuracy.

Additionally, it is worth noting that at least five states (Alaska, Arizona, Kansas, Massachusetts, and New Mexico) mandate that doctors provide patients with their PD. Therefore, when scheduling an eye exam, it is advised by Gordon to verify that your eye doctor will provide this information. Some doctors may charge an extra fee for this service unless you are ordering glasses from them. If your doctor refuses to provide your PD or charges for it, it may be worth considering seeking assistance elsewhere. Alternatively, if you decide to pay for a PD measurement, you can be reimbursed up to $50 by Warby Parker as long as you purchase glasses from one of their outlets.

If your doctor offers frames for sale, begin by trying on a few from their collection. Remember to take note of the brand, model, and size of the frames that you prefer. Additionally, make sure to record the prices and gather information about the seller's return policies and warranty. This information will be useful when you are comparing prices and making a final decision.

After narrowing down your choices for frames, conduct an online search to find your preferred pairs and compare their prices. It is advisable to also check the prices of lenses to accurately estimate the overall cost of the eyeglasses. If you had your eye examination at Costco, Sam's Club, or Walmart, and you discover a frame you like at the same store, there is a high likelihood of satisfaction if you proceed to order your lenses there, based on our survey results. This applies to Warby Parker as well, but only for simple, single-vision prescriptions. If your prescription is more complex, it is possible to find more affordable lenses elsewhere.

If you happen to come across better prices during your search, it's a good idea to contact or visit the store where you originally found your favorite frames and ask them to match the lowest price. It's fair to give them the opportunity to reduce their price, especially if they have already provided assistance by answering your questions. Investing a little more to work with a professional in person can be worthwhile, especially if you require multifocal lenses or have a strong prescription. Additionally, supporting a local business may prove beneficial for future frame adjustments. It's worth noting that negotiating for a discount is not common among our survey respondents. However, for those who did give it a try, almost half were successful, with over a quarter saving $100 or more.


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