The parents from the country club forced Robingoods

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TD Ameritrade is restricting buying on volatile stocks, but by what I've seen they just increased the margin requirements to 100%. Anybody purchasing a short squeeze on margin would have to be a retard. It is dangerous, and a sensible position for Animal Crossing Bells TDA to shoot so that they are not left holding the bag of retards who can't meet a margin call. It also conserves YOLO newbies from themselves, though I doubt that's TDA's motivation.

OP left out an important facet. Every day that Melvin can not find the Switches that the parents have already paid , he must pay a forfeit to every parent for their difficulty of waiting for them. And the more pricey these Switches get on the market, the higher the forfeit, since these parents should by rights have these Switches, regardless of how expensive they have gotten. Melvin tries to put off paying the higher market price as long as you can in the hopes that it will eventually return. Eventually the forfeits get so big, Melvin has no option but to swallow his just desserts and pay market price for the Switches.

At least that's the way my retarded brain translated it, but I am just a dumb ape, do not listen . I am just holding GME since I believe in the firm! ??????

Edit: thanks for the interest in/support for this article, RIP my inbox after. A lot of the queries below are readily answered if you just Google the phrases. Https:// is a good starting point. Any phrases that you do not understand, likewise Google them. This should be part of your DD/research. If you can not do so, you've no spot trading. Any questions regarding speculation, I know as much as you can.

Also forgot to mention the bit where Melvin's parents did not want to realize their son humiliated so that they spoke to their friend in the country club that conducts Robingoods, the delivery service that gives people their Nintendo's.

The parents from the country club forced Robingoods to stop delivery to Kevin and his pals. They did but soon realised it is illegal to mess with people mail, so they started delivering again but they left them send the Nintendo's into Kevin and his friends by cart and horse rather than trucksto slow down things. However, it is irrelevant because Kevin has made lots more friends throughout the world now. Ape's together strong

My brain hurts from each of these words. But I have to know one more thing, before I feast on more paint chips; Who's owed the interest on the shorts? Who gets all this money that is really expensive for Melvin? The ape hive mind has persuaded me that buy Animal Crossing Items Melvin has been paying billions or millions on interest. Where does all this go?

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