device management and maintenance

MRO (Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul) device management and maintenance: it is a general term for manufacturing service activities such as maintenance, repair, overhaul and operation support for the equipment owned or delivered by the enterprise. It is the main manufacturing service business

device management and maintenance

MRO (Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul) device management and maintenance: it is a general term for manufacturing service activities such as maintenance, repair, overhaul and operation support for the equipment owned or delivered by the enterprise. It is the main manufacturing service business in the middle stage of the whole life cycle of the product, which originated from aviation maintenance.
This concept later added Operation content such as product Operation information and condition monitoring, bringing Operation Management into the MRO business category, also known as MRO2. In fact, this MRO2 is more intense in the context of the industrial Internet. In addition to routine maintenance, fault recovery, and product overhauls, Operation has become a focus today. How to provide a large number of operation monitoring data and analysis tools for product health status assessment, remaining life prediction, fault statistical analysis, is the fundamental to achieve predictive maintenance, repair, overhaul.

MRO support system

MRO support system consists of basic platform, common components, related tools and industry application components. The basic platform consists of three main parts: model customization tool, platform framework and secondary development aid tool. On the basic platform, the system defines a set of MRO core business model, and develops the corresponding MRO general components. [1] Implementers can use model customization tools and secondary development AIDS to modify the MRO core business model to form MRO solutions for different industry applications. When the platform, model and components have been customized and developed, the final deliverable MRO support system is formed. After the deployment of the entire system, it will run on the platform, and different components will be driven by the model to interact with the end user, so as to support different MRO services.

Four generations of MRO software

First generation MRO software: Product File management. Product fault diagnosis is based on manual judgment, and most maintenance activities are still in the passive state after the fault.
Second generation MRO software: Product after-sales service management. Remote monitoring systems and a variety of fault diagnosis techniques are beginning to emerge. The after-sales service of products has gradually changed from the passive service model to the planned service model based on remote monitoring.
Third generation MRO software: Integrated MRO management for monitoring and maintenance. The international mainstream aero engine manufacturers took the lead in integrating the engine remote real-time monitoring system with the engine maintenance service system, and created an integrated MRO management system based on the centralized monitoring data platform to provide users with unified active maintenance services. This new MRO management system not only greatly reduces maintenance costs, improves equipment utilization, but more importantly creates greater profits for manufacturers.
Fourth generation MRO software: Integrated MRO service management for the whole life cycle. With the rise of the Internet of Things and cloud computing technologies, technologies such as LBS, SNS, RFID and data mining tend to mature. The scope of traditional product maintenance services has gradually penetrated into the direction of product operation management, decision analysis and optimized product design, and the new service-oriented manufacturing industry has reached a milestone height [1].
The concept of industrial big data has been deeply rooted in people's hearts. The sheer volume of data involved in equipment maintenance has reinvigorated ambition. Whether it is the equipment used by oneself or the equipment sold, through the Internet of Things can obtain their real-time operating status information at a very low cost. The MRO system uses the design and manufacturing knowledge in the early stage of the product life cycle to analyze the operation and monitoring data in the middle stage, on the one hand to formulate reasonable maintenance policies, and on the other hand to constantly feedback the knowledge of improving product performance. Through the cross-stage integration of the product life cycle, the best maintenance and quality improvement of the product can be achieved, thus creating a new space for service-oriented manufacturing. There are many applications and monitoring data for operation monitoring technology, but not enough utilization. At present, China's manufacturing industry is still concentrated on data collection and storage, and the establishment, optimization and analysis of business scenario models are relatively weak. Through a variety of business models and mathematical models, our company is widely used in the petrochemical industry. [2]

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