Focus on trying to complete all of the quests that are free to play if you are not a part.

Feel free to play as a demo though, members has 100x the material than free to play has and readily has a whole lot more to offer. Throwing in some game tips and stuff.

Focus on trying to OSRS Fire Cape complete all of the quests that are free to play if you are not a part. This can present you to Runescape and also show you the ropes of a few of the skills. Do not be afraid to look up YouTube guides or the OSRS wiki guides to your pursuit, slayermusiq1 is a good guide creator for all quests on youtube. Once you've done all the free to perform quests you need to be in a position to know whether you will enjoy Runescape or not. Feel free to play as a demo though, members has 100x the material than free to play has and readily has a whole lot more to offer. Throwing in some game tips and stuff.

It's a free party client that provides a lot of quality of life things to make Runescape more enjoyable. Get used with the keys. You can go into your settings, the wrench icon bottom side of the UI right side of this display and setup f keys. To alter the different ui menus. You can press f1 to start your inventory, then f2 f3 for book. Rather than having to click on each icon 15, it saves a bit of time. That is an old school style. Depending upon your age and experience with video games this might be the first of its kind for you. Set realistic short term and midterm goals for your account to familiarize yourself with this. Quest demands and quests are good goals to focus on for right now.

You're probably unsure of what to do next because Runescape gives little to no guidance after island. This is normal for mmorpgs. Go out and explore, though only in case you get lost or run into enemies that may kill 29, place most of your stuff. Go down ladders and into tunnels, move ladders up and to castles, there is tons to see and find in even the free to perform worlds. By talking to hans at the castle you can examine your playtime. He's wearing a red blouse and should be around the 2 fountains.

When you have a phone download OSRS mobile from the app store. Some people actually like it and it's another experience, I dislike it because I am far more accustomed to using the desktop version. It's the exact same log in information and everything. Do not fall for"follow this YouTube/twitch page" scams (they send one to Buy RS3 Gold fake runescape sites where you type in your account info and they steal your accounts ). Do not fall for"armor trimming""money doubling" or"show me your cashstack for 10% of it" scams. Double xp does not exist in youtubers pages or OSRS advertisements it are scammers.

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