Great myCareer thought

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As fans MT 2K21 of what they have done previously and also the need to get a hoops match we're left without litlte options since another game which has cash and their permit is not up to the business snuff to reconstruct. However, this can be a forum where we discuss everything can and needs to be improved this is. The market should be driven by the lovers in theory. No game will be perfect, they will need development, but that is also a line between that and permitting some very simple detail fixes to go on for a couple of decades almost as though they did not test the modes.

Great myCareer thought

You ought to be able to give your teammates highfives and stuff. I should be able to get my own player emote favorably towards 18, In LeBron is dunked on by my teammate. You should also be able to yell from your teammates, such as:"shoot that next time" or"I was open""stay home in your guy""post that guy up" etc etc.. If you consistently shout for some guy to play outside of his match, for example: telling a non shot to shoot or a bad defender to quit letting guys go by them; your teammate chemistry together with that player should go down and vice versa in case you're always supporting them.

This is such a fantastic idea, maybe you could use a headset it would probably be hard to implement but that would be awesome. The headset idea is amazing, I never thought of this. To me literally having the ability to say"nice pass" or even"nice defense" goes a long way. Exactly, they can either do that using basic voice commands or they can do it how rocket league does itwith the pad. This makes a lively, personal relationship with your teammates in a way that the cutscenes that are pre-made can't accomplish. If you a jerk teammates need to be able to ask trades while being nice encourages teammates to remain with the team.

Can't agree more. My first build for every 2K I attempt to have as much of a career that is realistic as you can, so I usually play with at least 2-3 seasons and using a real story or at least being able to interact with other gamers are a fantasy. Building friendships and rivalries with whoever you need and being able to begin a fight, getting ejected or seeing somebody like Draymond go nuts would be so entertaining. And should the commentators wouldn't tell me their life story but actually comment on NBA 2K21 such as COMMENTators are supposed to, then the total MyCareer would feel really lively, fun and Buy NBA 2K21 MT even offers replayability, instead of just grinding your new build and having an avg. Of 75/25/15 every match with Shaq congratulating me.

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