Original Post It's been a while since I've had

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This is absurd you're a fool. A large portion of WOW TBC Gold game design, specifically RPG development, is a fake. The entire idea of an RPG is they start at a weak level, but by working hard, you get strong creating the illusion of growth. The tiny details of how to get strong is how an RPG differentiates itself from other. Wow was the very first game to utilize the concept of talent trees. It felt good having the choice to choose the best way to build your strength. Are there any better numerical alternative? Yes. If you're a casual player is it really a matter of fact that they may not have the strongest build? Absolutely not. It's only important if you intend to add content to the endgame. Even though everyone was built in the same way, it is only marginally more effective today. RPGs will always have an absolute best design to tackle any situation.

Since a while, i have been suffering from game stutter. It occurs on all my characters. Stuttering isn't so 'random' but active most of the time. When I change between my weapons (2h shield to shield and vice versa) I stumble. Also, I stutter while opening from stealth on my rogue as well as dropping combat. It happens number of times, but more frequent event when there's lot going on, like during raids. I removed all addons in order test this, and the results are that there's less stuttering however it's there, which makes me think about the reason for this? My computer runs pretty well so it's no way that it's the cause. I tried disabling addons, changing the video settings in-game and reinstalling the game. Flashing new bios and disabled hyperthreading were just a few of the options I tried. It doesn't seem to work. Do you know how to solve this problem? It's really irritating. Imagine your screen turning blank every whenever you switch from shield to a spell reflect.
Update After all the work I did and setting my FPS at a level that kept my card below 50 percent load, I was experiencing flickering issues when I ran a Kara raid the other night. So I decided to disable Freesync completely, and it seems to have resolved the issue.

It was disabled on both monitors (both are identical however, they are different sizes and models) as well as my AMD GPU settings. This seems to have fixed the issue. I'll check to see any additional issues that come up.

Original Post It's been a while since I've had flickering issues, I'd hesitate to say that it's full on studdering for an extended period of time. It's intermittent in a way that makes it hard to pinpoint. But it was getting to the point that it was getting me mad, and I decided to explore what might be causing it.

Long story short, it is only recently that Windows has allowed multiple monitor refresh rates to function for nearly 13 years, Microsoft seems to have addressed an oft-ignored issue in the way Windows handles multi-monitor resizable rates. For a long time, Windows 10's Desktop Window Manager (DWM) was causing frame-skips as well as stutters, when having multiple monitors running with different refresh rates. This cheap Burning Crusade Classic Gold issue appears to have been solved by Windows 10's DWM 20H1, a version that supports hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling (WDDM 2.7). A Reddit user has demonstrated this effect.

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