Making WOW Gold Classics with Your Profession

Welcome to our World of WOW classic TBC gold Best Profession Tier List, where we rank the best trade skills for PVP, making WOW Classic Gold for Sale, and even raiding

Welcome to our World of WOW classic TBC gold Best Profession Tier List, where we rank the best trade skills for PVP, making WOW Classic Gold for Sale, and even raiding. Choosing your Profession will be extremely beneficial to you throughout your time in the game, depending on the type of content you intend to focus on. If you are unsure of what you want or are simply interested in everything, selecting based on your class may be the best option for you, and we have that information listed below as well.

What Are the Most Lucrative Professions to Be In?

a gathering of people

the process of manufacturing or crafting

There are no surprises here because these two specific profession categories have been providing WoW players with long-term profits for quite some time. Before we get into the actual professions, let's take a look at what each of these profession types means.

Recruiting Professionals

These allow you to harvest ore, herbs, meat, leather, and other materials. Eventually, these resources will be used by other professions to create consumables, items, gear, and so on. Alternatively, you can sell some of the items you've gathered directly on the Auction House – provided that they are BoE, of course.

Crafting is a profession

Materials are required in order to craft anything, and these materials are obtained from the gathering profs. These allow you to create anything, from powerful equipment to trade goods. As you may have guessed, selling certain high-demand weapons, armor, and other items in-game can prove to be a very profitable side business.

The great thing about these two profession categories is that they are complementary to one another, allowing you to combine them to great effect. For example, you could choose Mining as your gathering profession and then Blacksmithing as your crafting profession, allowing you to feed your production profession with the materials you gather while questing or deliberately looking for resource nodes.



Enchanting can be profitable, but it requires a significant investment of time and gold to get there. Enchanting is one of the most expensive professions to level, and in order to earn any significant income, you will need access to rare enchanting recipes, the majority of which drop from Molten Core. This means that you will need to be raiding Molten Core regularly, usually as your guild's designated Enchanter, in order to ensure that you receive the recipe drops. Even in that case, most of the most important recipes are extremely rare, with some taking months to become available.

Even if you are successful in obtaining the extremely rare enchanting recipes, Enchanting will still be plagued by a major problem. Enchants cannot be created in buy WOW classic gold. The only way to enchant gear is to trade with someone and have them place their piece of gear that they want enchanted into the will not be traded slot, which will then allow you to enchant it. This means that you will be unable to sell your enchants through the Auction House, which will severely restrict your earning potential when compared to other professions. The only way to make money is to advertise your enchanting skills in chat and have people pay you to enchant their gear, which can take a long time for a small profit margin depending on how desirable and rare your recipes are.

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