The difference between the RS3 and OSRS teams

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Do not even bother using it to get altars. Create a couple of hidey holes, do a few quests and out that there is no purpose whatsoever for the ability. No purpose is served by OSRS gold the skill. Needs an entire rework and individuals will need to quit pretending like getting an in-house Bank is a game destroyer, like we do not possess 1 click infinite accessibility to several banks with the capability to come back to our prior place just as instantly. Times have changed greatly. If you want building for a good worthwhile cosmetic QoL ability to construct a GOOD home with, you need banking, correct decoration screen, the present portal room need a tune up.

Or it can be a miniature world gate concept: 1 portal with teleported places that are unlocked added by charging it. Aka all of spellbook teleports available if you pay it to charge exactly like it currently is. Training the skill with higher EXP rates outside the house the proper manner, then you build the true home parts after you're the ideal level. Priffdinas, Dwarven, Holiday, All the Gods, Each of the Biomes (Daemonheim, Desert, Freminik, etc). This is more of an expansion to the walls and floor option.

Personally I would be 100% down with Structure being a cash sink with little to no practical usage in Runescape. The house could do with performance. Let the furniture move round and create a home. If we are given the option at least to be free and appreciate it as a home then I think that would be a happy medium. You gotta give it performance or use since it stands it is a waste of money and I leveled it for to Prif. I think Higgs was focusing on modifications that flip the homes. And something more such as a Player Owned Barracks or base camp could be a fantastic alternate in order to add support.

I believe that they're more looking at it as a means to add functionality without it being drastically different concerning training and it's influence on outside aspects of Runescape. More like adding RP functionality. By making them a location sort of like a house. I can kind of see where they're coming from, due to the nature of a'home' being what it's IRL, the appearing overwhelming need of the playerbase is to make the POH into more of a Player possessed foundation camp or Barracks, a place to visit make prepping for other activities faster/easier for some player.

Which admittedly a lot of this functionality is already accessed other places like Max guild or Wars Retreat. Other than what present POH's have. Which a possessed barracks/base camp/village's notion could be something cool to amuse for a while. A larger scale region to buy RuneScape gold train structure, beginning with your house, then moving on to a payoff for NPC's who may then become workers of some sort that create options for passive XP profit like POF combined with miscellania. Higher your level the different typed of buildings that are functional that your camp may have, from a smith to replace the armor rack, into a bank, or even a mage to get tele's etc..

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