It is crucial to know the way EoC was born.

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Because its proved to be effective. Updates like RuneScape gold this runescape are vital to the continued existence of the game. Jagex, at its core, is a business. It must pay its employees as well as pay taxes, and turn profits. It would be quickly outpaced by the competition in the event that it did not maintain its runescape.

Technology makes it more crucial to progress and adapt. While you could argue that humans have become the dominant species by changing their environment, this is not the case.

Although I don't know what age you are, think back to the last 20 years and how technology has changed throughout the years. VCRs, CDs touchscreens, DVDs and other devices for interfacing have all helped us to change. In the age of technology, which gaming falls into the category of, adapting is essential for the player. I am sure you'd prefer Runescape to stay up-to-date with its competition and last for several more decades, but with a backwards attitude "no major updates because we don't like the game", runescape is going to slowly die.

EoC isn't the main problem. It's more clicking to achieve the same result. The most enjoyable part is the ability to queue emotes. WoW comes with more than 80 keys. A minigame can be played in enhancing DPS and learning new PvP tactics. Though I don't like the idea of controlling enemies' minds from cliffs, it is something that I enjoy.

It is crucial to know the way EoC was born. And it's birth is exactly similar to SoF, Solomon, etc. It is imposed upon players. Recently an Jmod posted about a poster posting bugs in BA. This was great constructive feedback. Posters then noted that the bugs were discovered and reported to Jagex in the beta phase, they still made it to the final version.

Players were not involved at the beginning, about two years ago and until the end. Runescape is unable to survive if players are ignored. EVE Online doesn't, WoW doesn't. Both provided me with jaw-dropping service when compared to Runescape. So I don’t worry if EVE or WoW will be able to survive. It's been proven that it works. Runescape was never created If that argument can be applied to the latest versions. MMOs can be found buy RS gold on the internet for fifteen years. You don't need to wait long for the traditional cures.

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