Anyone see the ramifications of the bot busting update?

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We're committed to ridding our sport of bots. We are committed to RuneScape gold providing a more open conversation with you regarding the actual challenges that we face as a consequence of our attempts. We are dedicated to involving you more in this war so we are able to win this fight together. Most importantly, we are dedicated to continuing our investment in making and evolving RuneScape a great game to play and an amazing community to be a part of. Thanks.

Anyone see the ramifications of the bot busting update? I would exchange my rapier to get a maul now and a ZS, it is so dumb. I try moving frost dragons, I tab out because I was not sure about fire, next trip appears sucessful - till, whups! Mother fudger puts his deflection protect the moment my rapier hits.

Yep, thats the way you die. I understand this takes out bots, however, to be honest - I would rather have 5 billion bots there afterward how this really is. I just lost ~400k in bones due to this. Screw Jagex - I can't even be bothered. They're only allowing FT/W only because they care about gold farmers (yeahthey took out Gold4rs. Big whup. I notice they are not persueing gold4fun) Personally, this is endangering all the support I'd about Jagex whatsoever. After Modern Combat 3 comes out (it is a program ), I'm probably unsubscribing.

However, for future people: If you don't have super antifire, get a DFS/Anti-drag shield. If you're scared of dieing, do not go with any sort of boosts, e.g. Turmoil/Extremes otherwise you will wreck yourself. Should you bring Turmoil/Extremes, bring a rocktail with 1 dose of brew and one dose of revive. You'll need it, I guarantee you. Watch the hell out for melee attacks. RS Wiki and other idiots state that range is poor, so not correct. Melee are also a big killer (melee the drags themselves utilize ). Be ready to die. Jagex is now redeeming Frost Dragons as possible killers. If you rage easily (erm...) be prepared to.

The tv musical comedy-drama Glee recently added a character, Sugar Motta, who says whatever she wants, but is quick to assert that she's"self-diagnosed Asperger's." Andrew Kaczrowski of Alexandria knows firsthand the reality of Asperger's syndrome is significantly different than what is lightly portrayed on the TV show. Kaczrowski has Asperger's, a high-functioning kind of autism that affects a person's ability to interact and communicate effectively with others. It is challenging, he notes, but he manages with a fantastic understanding of his handicap and by surrounding himself with those that are sensitive to his or her needs.

Looking back, Kaczrowski today realizes there were indications of Asperger's early on. Kaczrowski, along with two sisters and one brother, who were adopted, spent a great deal of buy OSRS gold time at the family's lake house near Alexandria. At a young age he did things that made him unique, like writing the numbers 1 through 1,000 in school, when many children are working on writing up numbers to 100. The energetic child answered by reciting, word-for-word, exactly what the teachers said during the afternoon.

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