Path of Exile Scourge has been released on the console

The Path of Exile Scourge trailer brings disasters to challenge the league, new skill gems, tree overhauls, improvements to the Atlas Apocalypse game, new ambitious endgame content, new guild features, new unique items, and more .

Path of Exile Scourge trailer brought disasters to challenge the league, new skill gems, tree overhauls, improvements to the Atlas Apocalypse game, new ambitious endgame content, new guild features, new unique items, and POE Currency.

Players have implanted a device called a Blood Crucible in their bodies. Blood Crucible is filled with the blood of monsters defeated by the player during the journey. Once at a certain point, the adventurer will be able to activate the device, which will immediately send them to a parallel reality, an alternative Wraeclast full of demons. The more blood collected, the longer they stay in parallel Wraeclast.

In this alternative to Wraeclast, players will also find several ways to modify the spacing of damaged items. Moreover, as long as the player eliminates the punishment and other monsters in the location, Blood Crucible will accumulate experience and be able to upgrade. Players will then be able to allocate their skill points in their passive tree to achieve specialization, such as unlocking more inventory slots and converting items faster. And get better results from these conversions and so on. In the end, every ability of the Blood Crucible can be customized, but for this, hundreds of demons in this world must be destroyed.

In Atlas, players will be able to find the World Furnace, a device that can map the Blood Crucible with their equipment. When a map absorbs enough corruption, it will deform and gain beneficial and harmful effects like a piece of equipment, but it may also receive modifiers that completely change the evil restraint behavior on the map.

The map can be changed up to ten times, which greatly increases the risks and rewards of each map. When the map is converted a second or subsequent time, new beneficial or harmful modifiers may be constructed with existing modifiers to increase their strength, or new modifiers may be added. Big discounts are always accompanied by big risks. If players Buy POE Currency at POECurrency, they can use the code "Halloween" to get 5% discount from October 25th to November 3rd!

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