There's bound to be more to add to this idea

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What would happen if Blizzard decided not to WOW TBC Gold release TBC however, instead they released an expansion built upon the foundations created in vanilla? Foundations like neutral zones of pvp battlegrounds, chat channel named "LocalDefense" (I needed login because I didn't know what the channel was named exactly), factions and other things.

My expansion pits the horde alliance and Horde. It is a battle to gain the control of neutral zones to gain control over Azeroth. There are many missions and flight routes as you're in control of a region. There are quests available while taking on a specific zone in order to help your faction regain control of the area. Instead of having to slay 10 raptors as you level up to maximum level, you are able to join in the fight. When you gain control over a zone there are new quests you can take on to attempt to maintain control. the zone changes depending on which faction is controlling it. Horde is controlling it? Alliance only has two outposts. It has to move at a slow pace. World PVP with NPCs fighting against each other and players. Ressource transports that are ressourceable to other zones and defend them against the opposing faction.

The LocalDefense channel allows players to connect with one another as well as announce attacks by enemy forces on towns/outposts. Your group can get assets from wins in battlegrounds, to assist in the fight. Every neutral zone is given an entirely new battleground. Alterac valley is winterspring and Warsong = barrens etc. So make sure to flush for any bg's and zones that require your assistance. All your war efforts allow you to acquire better equipment at any level, get ranks for your faction with access to mounts/tabards as well as even more gear. You can make use of your professions to make items needed to win war.

There's bound to be more to add to this idea, and many more aspects in vanilla that created a great foundation but have never had a follow-up.

I'm also aware that there are some flaws in this design that need some sort of solution, like the gap in level between maximum level characters and new characters, or the imbalance between factions. This has made me realize that there is a lot of potential in WoW although it was already an amazing game.

It's something I've never heard of , but I would love to learn more. I don't know how it would work given the games that it was based on. However, I know some details about alpha development that I have never read about. Anyone have any cheap Burning Crusade Classic Gold suggestions for where I could get more information on this? Ty, Cheers

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