FIFA 22: Complete NumbersUp Insigne SBC to get rewards

A 87-rated version of NumbersUp from Napoli's Lorenzo Insigne was added to FIFA 22 by EA Sports. This item can be obtained in the SBC menu.

A 87-rated version of NumbersUp from Napoli's Lorenzo Insigne was added to FIFA 22 by EA Sports. This item can be obtained in the SBC menu.

This is also Insigne's first special card in FIFA 22 Ultimate Team.

NumbersUp's promotional video will upgrade players' specific skills based on the Adidas shoes that players wear in real life, and one of their skills can reach 99 at the end of the Cheap FIFA Coins season.

Insigne's skills have also been improved a bit, his Pace increased by 4 points. If we compare this card with his level 86 gold card, we will find that his other skills, including dribbling, shooting, passing and defense, have only improved by one point.

On the Playstation, the cost of this SBC is about 101,500 FIFA 22 Coins, and the cost on the Xbox is 109,900, and the cost on the PC is the most, 111,550 coins. Compared with his gold version, the price is ridiculously high. Its gold version is no different. The price is between 11,000 and 13,000 FUT Coins.

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We need to hand over two teams before November 23 to complete this NumbersUp Insigne SBC.

The first solution requires an 84-level team with at least 75 chemical reactions, a TOTW card, and a player from Italy. The second requirement is to reach level 85, including 70 chemical reactions and at least one Serie A player.

After we complete this SBC, if we complete the National Duty team, we will also get a small golden player package, and the Serie A TIM team will Buy FUT 22 Coins bring players a small electronic player package.

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