That Is The Exact Narrative No Joke

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I know there needs to be developers for all these Madden 21 coins games on here somewhere so here's my plea. PLEASE for the love of god realize that you still have a fairly loyal fan base that will buy your games to the very same reasons Knick's fans buy jerseys and tickets. We grew up together with you guys and are able to recall the times when you brought us valid joy to the maximum level. We put an absurd quantity of money into your pockets EVERY single year and yet we find ourselves begging, literally, for its simplest improvements. What do you do with this absurd pile of gold you have been handed over year in and year out? We've got little to no choices so we return to you but you can tell it's like a failing relationship now. We're in it for the relaxation rather than the quality now, and just like a shitty spouse you men just leach from us and don't listen to something we say or work on something we request. I don't have any reason to buy this game based off recent ones,and the newest reviews for this particular one. I refuse to place money in your pockets EVER again unless you instantly make changes to the game. Yes, its only a game, however it's your job to treat it like a fire and career because for us it can be over that. It can be a great moment with friends, a break from the real world, or even only a game. Irrespective of the reason we played we gave you guys money with all the anticipation of this bare minimum and you refuse at this point and even laugh at our faces behaving like you're putting out the maximum quality content, when that's our task to decide and review. Guess what? Replies in. . .we despise it and feel cheated. We have been cheated. You guys clearly don't give a fuck and at this point I hope 2k puts a game, because it could be only as great as your sorry matches and I, and a few million other people, could still buy it as a fuck you to you dick wads. Would you not believe us when we say we all miss you guys giving a fuck? It is far more offensive than you men realize and I want you gave a fuck about do not.

Thank you for the inspection. Football video games are pretty much the only I like. And it would literally make my life simpler to get a good game. No worries, I've livelihood, girlfriend, friends lol but still sad ai not it? I only play franchise, and I'll probably still purchase it but as you I didn't expect a good deal and, only damn it. smh. I really feel as the Buy Madden 21 coins is going to force EA out of the picture. They're sure taking their sweet ass time to induce them out. The dev notes they published on which changes they created. Basically it was an equal of a name update. The whole thing caused a broad point of uproar around the community. I really did go into it today and confirmed my feelings. I haven't Played 21 yet, based on these reviews I do not think I need to, If we DON'T BUY IT! Maybe they'll pull it and do a relunch. . .Maybe I'm no gonna buy this you cash! End with strong arm QB using a 65 speed.

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