Diablo 2 Resurrected: The best guide to getting The Stone of Jordan

Diablo 2 Resurrected: The best guide to getting The Stone of Jordan

In Diablo 2 Resurrected, The Stone of Jordan is a unique ring. Like all unique items, it drops randomly and cannot be found in any specific location. Therefore, it is not easy for players to find it in the game, and often requires a lot of time and energy.

The earliest possible enemy to drop The Stone of Jordan in the game is Diablo at the end of Act 4 on Normal difficulty. After that, it may even be dropped by ordinary monsters. Of course, the higher the rarity of the monster, the higher the D2R Items probability of dropping this unique item. On Nightmare difficulty, the monster with the highest chance of dropping The Stone of Jordan is Andariel.

This monster also has a great chance to drop it on Hell difficulty. Secondly, Diablo also has a better chance on normal difficulty. After that, the probability of dropping the unique item will drop considerably, so if the player is really determined to get The Stone of Jordan, please play one of these three boss battles repeatedly until the player gets it.

If the player does not want to do such repeated training, then the general drop rate of The Stone of Jordan will peak at about half of the nightmare difficulty, so repeating the third act on the nightmare difficulty may be more interesting and more diverse. Farming methods. A simpler alternative is to purchase unique D2 Resurrected Runes from the website, among which MMOWTS is a trusted choice for many players.