Lost Ark: How New Players Choose the Best Tier

Lost Ark: How New Players Choose the Best Tier

As with all MMOs, tiers are important not only for completing game missions alone, but also for cooperating with other players in team battles. In Lost Ark, players can choose from five different classes: Gunslinger, Warrior, Mage, Martial Artist and Assassin. These classes have their own senior classes. Follow MMOWTS for the latest news on Lost Ark.

Senior classes can make a huge difference, so choosing the right class is an important decision. If the player is new to Lost Ark, fighters with advanced tier Berserkers are the best beginner tiers. The Berserker wields a great sword capable of dealing massive damage without getting too close to the enemy. This class is very simple and has plenty of health.

Advanced tier summoners are another great beginner tier. Summoners can summon multiple pets to fight for players, keeping players at a safe distance. The damage output is adequate, so if the player is learning the ranged class and just getting the hang of the game, go for the Summoner. For tanks, no class can compete with the advanced warrior class gunner.

The spears allow some distance between them and the enemy and have a huge shield to tank damage, this class is perfect if the player wants to absorb enemy attacks for the player's allies. With plenty of health, great armor and defensive skills, there's no better tank character in the game than the Gunlancer.

The advanced Gunner class Sharpshooter in Lost Ark stands out. Both the bow's ranged arrows and summons can be used to aid in combat, making it the perfect class for players who just want to focus on DPS. It allows players to stay at a safe distance and deal devastating blows. By the way, https://www.mmowts.com/lost-ark-gold offers all players the cheapest Lost Ark Gold.