Inconvenience is not a wonderful way to entertain people.

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Talking of Animal Crossing New Horizons Bells bug catching, Nintendo decided to destroy that too. Outside of catching beetles on the island at New Leaf, insect catching has always been terrible for earning money. It had been so much easier to capture fish. Several bugs with strong spawn prices were worth good money. I was enjoying making 300k roughly one hour by knowingly catching bugs. Given the prices of the large ticket items at the shop, that seemed about honest, and was pretty equal to fishing. Subsequently Nintendo nerfed the spawn levels of the good bugs for apparently no reason. They also cracked down to the interest you have for having bells at the bank. It seemed like Nintendo thought it was too easy to make money, but they dismissed the largest moneymaker, the Stalk Market. In previous matches, the Stalk Market has been an true gamble. Visiting other towns was a really involved process, in order that you were basically relying on your own prices. With the rise of social media and the comparative simplicity of visiting different islands (a process which is nevertheless dogshit dreadful, Nintendo never stops to amaze with their internet ineptitude) it became trivial to locate a fantastic turnip cost each week to not just double, but triple or quadruple your investment. With the greater inventory, buying a large number of turnips was insignificant. So people may easily create millions of bells with minimal effort and virtually zero risk. And my social media (discord, twitter, etc) was filled with folks saying and asking about turnip rates.

Can I think I'll return to New Leaf? No, not actually. The Switch is simpler to perform with its quicker load times and bigger display. It looks prettier. There are still some very welcome QoL improvements.

You can't blame people for wanting a game to have.... Gameplay.

Most the time once I enter a new franchise I want to go back and experience past titles. It seems more like a technology demo than a real game.

Inconvenience is not a wonderful way to entertain people.

Adding something to do isn't gonna kill the segment of the game that's already there which folks enjoy. Saying that NH is the biggest step that the franchise has taken since the initial game is probably the cheap Animal Crossing New Horizons Items worst thing that you can say about the collection.

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