A Beginner Workout at Home Without Equipment

Beginner workouts can provide real results from the comfort of your own home. Starting a new exercise routine can be intimidating , especially if you’re new to fitness. But don’t worry! These 10 easy workouts for beginners is a great way to jump-start your Fitness Goals.

Getting started with a beginner workout at home routine and developing a practice is quite intimidating. There are a lot of things that you need to consider. Additionally, you would also like to spend a minimal time everyday working out so that you can complete your remaining chores within the day. It is also to be considered that the time you spend on working out each day despite the amount of time you invest is actually beneficial.


Less Time Consuming At Home Workout Experience

Gyms are officially closed down owing to the covid-19 pandemic, you can actually get the results at your home and that too for free. In this article we have stressed on the 10 best beginner workout at home that consumes a pretty less time and is yet effective.


So, without much waiting, let us get straight into it!


1. Low Impact Beginner Feel Good Cardio Workout


This is a 26 minute workout and the moves that have been included in it are all low impact. This means that you can easily do all of the steps very easily and that you also have the scope to modify the steps per your requirement or frequency of breath. You can also modify the steps if you are not a beginner and convert them into more difficult ones.


The workout involves exercises that are built with a range of motions, coordination, cardio endurance, flexibility and control of your own body. If fat burning is a resolution for you and you can just give half an hour a day, then this workout is perfect for you. Bonus benefit of this workout is building cardiovascular endurance. You can also consider this as a beginner workout at home without equipment for females.


Workout Details


  • Duration: 26 Minutes
  • Calorie Burn: 122-225
  • Difficulty: 2/5
  • Equipment: No Equipment
  • Training Type: Cardiovascular, Low Impact, Toning
  • Body Focus: Total Body
  • Workout Schedule:
  1. March in Place
  2. Butt Kicker Rows
  3. Torso Twist + Side Reach + Arms Knee Up
  4. Arm Swing Steps
  5. Pulldowns Reverse Steps
  6. Bow Arrow Twists
  7. 2 High Knee Pulls + Kick
  8. 2 Side Jacks + 2 Reverse Lifts
  9. Walkdown + Knee Down
  10. Side Step Knees
  11. Squat + Side Leg Lift
  12. Forward Step Press
  13. Side Lunge Slide + Calf Raise
  14. Marching Jack Touchdowns
  15. Toe Tap + Squat
  16. Push Up Leg Lift + Child’s Pose
  17. Bridge + Leg Lift
  18. Cat Cow Bird Dog
  19. Crunch + Toe Taps
  20. Plank + Arm Hold


2. Low Impact Cardio Abs Workout


The low impact routines have a great importance when you are starting off with your new workout journey. These workouts provide your body with a chance for adapting and getting ready for the more intense training. This particular workout is a combination of cardio and the core training exercises. It helps to build a strong base while you sweat. The best part is that no jumping is required in this workout schedule.


Workout Details


  • Duration: 39 Minutes
  • Calorie Burn: 147-338
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Equipment: Mat, No Equipment
  • Training Type: Cardiovascular, Low Impact, Toning
  • Body Focus: Core and Total Body
  • Workout Schedule:

1. Warm Up (5 Minutes Total; 25 Seconds Each)

  • Side Step Arm Circles
  • Round Down Toe Touch
  • Toe Touch Sweeps
  • Squatting Torso Twists
  • Toe Touch Kick L
  • Toe Touch Kick R
  • Warrior L
  • Warrior R
  • Calf Raise with Overhead push pull
  • Lunging Push Pull
  • High Knee Hold with Hip Opener
  • Side Step Squat

2. Cardio (15 Minutes Total; 3 Sets of 20 Seconds On, 10 Seconds Rest)

  • Sumo Squat and Calf Raise
  • Alternating Side Lunge
  • Walk Downs
  • Tricep Dip Kicks
  • Alternating Leg Sweep Squat
  • Alternating Side Leg Raise to Curtsy Lunge
  • Seal Push Up
  • Supine Push Up to Bridge
  • Straight Leg Deadlift with Alternating Lunge Through
  • Alternating Ski Squat Pivot to Sumo Squat

3. Core (10 Minutes, 40 Seconds; 2 Sets Each of 30 Seconds On, 10 Seconds Rest)

  • Crunch
  • Back Bow
  • Side Hip Raise L
  • Side Hip Raise R
  • Russian Twist
  • Toe Touch Get Up
  • Jackknife Crunch
  • Back Bow Circles

4. Cool Down (6 Minutes Total: 30 Seconds Each)

  • Seated Toe Touch
  • Butterfly Stretch
  • Deep Hip Stretch
  • Seated Hamstring and Torso Stretch L
  • Seated Hamstring and Torso Stretch R
  • Seated Torso Rotation L
  • Seated Torso Rotation R
  • Deep Glute Stretch L
  • Deep Glute Stretch R
  • Cobra
  • Down Dog
  • Shell Stretch



3. 27 Minutes Butt, Thigh Abs Pilates Workout


Pilates workouts are a thing in the contemporary workout module. This beginner-friendly easy pilates exercise is perfect to improve your core strength. Additionally, you will be able to create a strong body and mind connection with this Easy Abs Workouts For Beginners At Home. Both of these are very much essential to being able to motivate yourself during the strenuous workouts.


Workout Details


  • Duration: 27 Minutes
  • Calorie Burn: 92-189
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Equipment: Mat, No Equipment
  • Training Type: Low Impact, Pilates, Toning
  • Body Focus: Total Body
  • Workout Schedule:


  1. Toe Taps (Levels 1 2)
  2. Hundreds (Levels 1-3)
  3. Breaststroke
  4. Heel Taps
  5. Heel Tap Pulses
  6. 3 Way Side Leg Raises - Toes down, up, and level
  7. Small Pilates Leg Circles
  8. Large Leg Circles
  9. Hip Raises (Levels 1 2)
  10. Seated Straight Leg Lift


4. Low Impact Recovery Cardio Workout


This is a favorite low impact workout for beginners. Even though people are mostly talking about the HIIT and strength training, this set of exercises is very helpful in the days when you are feeling a bit low. The exercises focus on the range of motion and gentle cardio that makes you feel rejuvenated. You can enjoy both warm up and cool down in this set.


Workout Details


  • Duration: 27 Minutes
  • Calorie Burn: 121-243
  • Difficulty: 2/5
  • Equipment: Mat, No Equipment
  • Training Type: Cardiovascular, Low Impact, Toning
  • Body Focus: Total body
  • Workout Schedule:

1. Warm Up (25 sec each)

  • Shoulder Rolls
  • Torso Twists
  • March in Place
  • Toe Touch Circles
  • Lateral Steps and Swings
  • Slow Butt Kickers

2. Cardio Workout (35 sec on, 10 sec off, ABAB)

  • 4 Side Jacks 4 Punches
  • 3 Marches Forward Kick
  • Crunch Single Leg Drop
  • Push Up Lift
  • Alternating Step Throughs
  • Side Steps Knee
  • Plank Ankle Taps
  • Reverse Step/Lunge
  • Double High Knee Push
  • Lateral Step Pull
  • Side Lunge Reach
  • 5 Marches Reverse Lift

3. Cool Down Stretch (20 sec each)

  • Shoulder Rolls
  • Arm Swings
  • Toe Touch Stretch
  • Standing Quad Stretch
  • Hamstring Stretch
  • Downward Dog
  • Cobra Stretch
  • Child's Pose
  • Torso Stretch
  • Full Body Stretch


5. Upper Body Workout


This is an antagonistic workout routine. It serves as a great way for learning how to engage your muscles. These set of exercises are perfect if you are a beginner and you are looking forward to adding more weight. Before you are trained enough to include more weight in your schedule, these exercises will act as a great transition. As soon as you adapt to this form, strength training becomes a superb way to burn fat, build enough muscles and get fit.


Workout Details


  • Duration: 36 Minutes
  • Calorie Burn: 137-268
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Equipment: No Equipment
  • Training Type: Low Impact, Strength Training, Toning
  • Body Focus: Core, Upper Body
  • Workout Schedule:

1. 4 Minute Cardio Warm Up - 25 seconds each

  • Boxer Shuffle
  • Shoulder Rolls
  • Arm Circles Forward (big)
  • Arm Circles Back
  • Windmill Arms + Toe Touch
  • Chest Stretch + Reach
  • Walkdown
  • Curl Overhead Press + Step Back
  • Bow Arrow Twists
  • Chest Opener Lat Steps
  • Warrior Lunge Stretch
  • Jumping Jacks

2. Upper body workout with no equipment

  • Push Up + Pulses
  • Deadlift + Close Row Tricep Extension
  • Bicep Curl Pulses
  • Tricep Dips
  • Walkdown + Opposite Toe Tap
  • Reach + Pulldown
  • Jumping Jack Step Back (or lunge)
  • Press Extensions
  • Tall Plank + 3 Point Reach
  • Bicep Curl + High Knee
  • Bird Dog + Tricep Push Up
  • Arm Circles (forward and back)
  • Back Bow Pulls
  • Reverse Fly + Pulses
  • Side Push Up (on wall or floor)
  • Other side
  • Overhead Tricep Extension
  • Single Pulldowns + Step Back
  • Bent Over Wide Row to Fly
  • Other side
  • Knee Pull Punch Switch
  • Cool Down Stretch


6. Low Impact Upper Body Strength Cardio Interval Workout


This is a fabulous strength training workout that involves the alternatives to lifting weights. These exercises are aids in building muscles and boosting your metabolism even when you are resting. You can adjust the exercise schedule as per your need and focus on the form.


Workout Details


  • Duration: 33 Minutes
  • Calorie Burn: 122-224
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Equipment: Dumbbell
  • Training Type: Cardiovascular, Low Impact, Strength Training
  • Body Focus: Upper Body
  • Workout Schedule:

1. Warm Up: (5 Minutes; 30 Seconds Each)

  • Side Step Arm Cross
  • Toe Touch Sweeps
  • High Knee w/ Large Arm Circles
  • Squat w/ Push Pull
  • Torso Twist w/ Deadlift
  • Toe Touch Kick (L R)
  • Boxer Shuffle
  • Squat Circles
  • Lunge T

2. Workout: (20 Minutes; 45 Sec On and 15 Sec Off)

  • Chest Fly
  • Alternating Curtsy Lunge plus Arm Circles
  • Reverse Fly
  • Alternating Side Lunge to Overhead Reach
  • Lateral Raise
  • Ski Squat Push Pull to Knee Pull Down
  • Bicep Curl
  • Sumo Squat to Alternating Side Leg Raise
  • Tricep Kickback
  • Front Jack

3. Cooldown: (6 Minutes; 30 Seconds Each)

  • Wall Chest Stretch Left
  • Wall Chest Stretch Right
  • Toe Touch
  • Overhead Tricep Stretch Left
  • Overhead Tricep Stretch Right
  • Arm Cross w/ Inside Thigh Stretch Left
  • Arm Cross w/ Inside Thigh Stretch Right
  • Overhead Wall Shoulder Stretch
  • Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch Left
  • Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch Right
  • Supine Torso Twist Left
  • Supine Torso Twist Right


7. 10 Minutes Butt Thigh Workout


This is a 10 minute power pack exercise module. This is probably the best exercise to begin with if you are trying your luck with the basic bodyweight exercises for the lower body. You must include the warm up and cool down exercises before and after the exercises . This is the basic to all the exercise modules that you might want to follow.


To suit the needs of your body and expertise, you can make these exercises easier or harder. Here are the tips and tricks of doing it.


Making It Easier


  • You need to implement a more shallow range of motion until you are strong enough for increasing your depth of movement.
  • You should take smaller and more frequent rest periods for shaking out your muscles and/or catching your breath.
  • It is entirely fine to move at your own pace as you feel comfortable. This does not mean that you take a much slower pace than what is required to burn the desired calories.
  • You need to focus on the form more than anything else. This will help you in preventing injuries during the session.


Making It Harder


  • The first thing that you need to do in order to make the exercises a bit harder is to focus on the forms. Additionally, you have to squeeze all of your muscles with every repetition. As this is a lower body workout you will not be able to contract your core, arms and related. This aims to protect you from injury.
  • You must hold onto weights. You have weights at your house, you better use them. If you do not have them but still want to make the exercises a bit challenging for you, look around the house and find heavy objects that can help in for extra resistance.
  • You can go ahead and minimize or cut out the rest periods.
  • When you are in your active rest periods, make sure to do the beginner HIIT workout at home exercises such as high knees, burpees and jump squats. This is the easiest way to step up the challenge.


Workout Details


  • Duration: 10 Minutes
  • Calorie Burn: 60-102
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Equipment: No Equipment
  • Training Type: Low Impact, Toning
  • Body Focus: Lower Body
  • Workout Schedule:
  1. Basic Squat
  2. Reverse Lunge + Kick
  3. Side Squat + Calf Raise
  4. Ski Squat + Reverse Lift
  5. Curtsy Lunges + Outside Raise
  6. Inside Leg Raises
  7. Other Side
  8. Bridge
  9. Reverse Leg Lifts
  10. Other Side


8. Fat Burning Toning Cardio Workout


As soon as you think you need a strong cardiovascular challenge, you must take these low and high impact modifications of fat burning and toning cardio workout. This is probably the best exercise for beginners to lose weight at home. You might switch between the easier and harder version or continue the harder version before switching to the easier one.


Workout Details


  • Duration: 24 Minutes
  • Calorie Burn: 157-243
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Equipment: No Equipment
  • Training Type: Cardiovascular, Low Impact, Toning
  • Body Focus: Total Body
  • Workout Schedule:

1. Warm Up Cardio - 25 Seconds each interval, no rest inbetween

  • Reach + Stretch
  • Side Leans
  • Slow Butt Kick + Row
  • High Knee Pulls
  • Jumping Jack Toe Touch
  • Squat + Swing ( on each side)

2. At Home Cardio Workout - 45 on, 15 off, ABAB

  • Side Lunge or Step + Side Leg Raise
  • 3 High Knees + 2 Wide Squats
  • Crossover Toe Tap Walkdown + Jack
  • Wide Toe Touch Twist + Kickout
  • 3 Butt Kicks + Reverse Lunge
  • Lateral Jump/Step + Knee
  • Bridge + Crossover Crunch
  • Back Bow Double Pulse
  • Pulsing Downward Dog
  • Toe Touch Drop + Pulse


9. Strong Lean Workout


This is kind of a long week challenge where it extracts all the guesswork by laying out an entire week’s workout. These workouts are undoubtedly intense. However, you can take up either of the low or advanced modifications of beginner workout at home with dumbbells.


Workout Details


  • Duration: 59 Minutes
  • Calorie Burn: 290-696
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Equipment: Dumbbell
  • Training Type: HIIT, Low Impact, Strength Training, Toning
  • Body Focus: Lower Body
  • Workout Schedule:

1. Warm Up: (5 Minutes) 30 Seconds Each

  • Side Step Lateral Arm Swing
  • Torso Circles
  • Knee Up Torso Rotation
  • Leg Swing L
  • Leg Swing R
  • Squat Push Pull
  • Side Lunge and Reach
  • Lung and Ventral Raise
  • Boxer Shuffle
  • Butt Kickers
  • Jumping Jacks

2. HIIT (15 Minutes) Tabata; 20 Seconds On, and 10 Seconds Off; AB, AB, AB; 3 Sets each group

  • Jump Squats
  • Mt. Climbers
  • Jumping Lunge
  • Pendulum Swings
  • Burpee
  • Switch Foot Runners
  • High Knees
  • Squat Pops
  • Lateral Jump
  • Squat Jacks

3. Lower Body Strength: (~27 Minutes) 8 exercises, 2 sets of 10 each

  • Single Leg Deadlift LR
  • Ski Squat
  • (20) Curtsy Lunge L R
  • Super Slow Squat
  • Deadlift
  • Alternating Side Lunge
  • Sumo Squat
  • Hip Raise Weighted

4. Cooldown: (8.5 Minutes) 30 Seconds Each

  • Toe Touch
  • Quad Stretch L
  • Quad Stretch R
  • Inside Thigh Stretch L
  • Inside Thigh Stretch R
  • Plank Calf Stretch L
  • Plank Calf Stretch R
  • Down Dog
  • Cobra
  • Cat to Cow
  • Butterfly Stretch
  • Hip Stretch
  • Deep Glute Stretch L
  • Deep Glute Stretch R
  • Torso Stretch L
  • Torso Stretch R
  • Full Body Stretch


10. Flexibility Stress Relief Workout


These exercises are meant to eliminate stress, increase the flexibility and the motion range. It is basically a three day challenge that mainly focuses on feeling good.


Workout Details


  • Duration: 31 Minutes
  • Calorie Burn: 93-141
  • Difficulty: 2/5
  • Equipment: No Equipment
  • Training Type: Low Impact, Warm Up/Cool Down, Stretching/Flexibility
  • Body Focus: Total Body
  • Workout Schedule:
  1. Day 1: Feel Good Fluid Stretches that follow no rules and do not possess a definite structure. Thus, you will be doing a dynamic range of motion or an active stretch that would give a great feeling to your muscles including the sore ones.
  2. Day 2: On this day, you are supposed to do the yoga pilates blend which is a combination of Yoga and Pilates beginner workout at home. This exercise works on lightly toning while improving the motion range.
  3. Day 3: Research has revealed that static stretches or holding the stretches for approximately 30 seconds each is the most crucial and effective way for increasing flexibility. This is what the third day of the flexibility stress relief workout is mostly focussed on.


Tips Tricks To Get Most From The Flexibility Challenge


Do you think the flexibility challenge is quite hard and that you are not sure of receiving the most out of it? Then here are some important tips and tricks that you must follow in order to get the best results from the exercise set.


  • You must stress on making this complete experience a calming one. You need to be completely mindful with a completely decluttered head prior to starting each routine. While going through the set of workout, you need to focus completely on deep breathing and keep away stress while you are working out.
  • If you like to workout in silence, you can go to a calm place and do the exercise sets. Or if you prefer to listen to music, you may turn on some music that you mostly prefer while working out. Make sure that it relaxes you. If you are doing it indoors, you may also light a scented candle for aromatherapy and do your exercises.
  • If you find stretching to be very boring, then you can try doing these workouts in front of your favourite TV shows.
  • You must never stretch to that point that gives you pain. You must do all the stretches slowly and tentatively and then lean onto the tension a bit further, that too gently and slowly. If at any point you feel that the stretches are hurting you, then you must immediately stop doing it. If you are hurt, take a doctor’s consultation or feel free to visit a physical therapist.
  • You must take into consideration that everyone starts at a certain point. If you feel tightness, never feel discouraged. You must never judge yourself if you have been flexible enough or not.
  • While doing a stretch, if you feel that it is making you uncomfortable or if you are not sure of the form, you may change the form of the workout and switch to one that you like to do. When you are sure that the previous stretch has become a bot comfortable for you, you can do it again.
  • Additionally, you must also make sure that you are hydrated and not hungry. You must treat yourself with a whole food meal when you are done with exercise.


Closing Lines


Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic or Covid-19, the gyms have closed almost globally. This has created a problematic situation for both the workout enthusiasts and the beginners. However, the above mentioned 10 best beginner workout at home will be much beneficial as they target a specific point of the body or the complete body. But three are some things that you need to consider before starting your workout journey with home exercises.


The first and foremost is that you must indulge in in-depth research as this is an important step. Not all exercise is suitable for all and not all workout is meant to be effective on all problems. The second thing is that you need to start slowly if you think that this will be best for you as a beginner.


The next thing is that you need to be completely committed to the end results of these workouts and have faith in yourself. That being said, you must also listen to the requirements of your body even if you perform a beginner workout at home without equipment for male. The fourth thing is that there are a couple of exercises that you might not be comfortable with or you simply hate that. You must never force yourself to do them. Additionally, you must keep an eye on your nutrition. Keep this in mind that any effort that you put towards your health is always worthy.

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