Have fun dying then

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In the end, spending money OSRS GP on claws was a smart idea. Naturally, the risk increase that comes with claws is significantly less than the 20+% benefit of the piety. If you do, you'll end up getting ruined. If you really want to take a step towards advancement, get rid of your claws and other weapons and go for a nice slayer at 90 or more melees. your cannon will take you to 85+ range even If you're not doing it correctly and you'll be close the possibility of joining an arma team. In the end, you'll have for a shot at getting band0s.

If you don't think about it, bandos with a 6 man team isn't likely to make any money You'd be earning after every kill and getting like five kills/hour maximum, you'd spend so much time, before if you even got one drop, you'd be paying for all the supplies you wasted and even the deaths you suffered.

Get advice from someone about this subject if they don't agree with mine. It's because you sir are a genius yes yes 5 percent increase in chiv it's obvious that piety can be worth 5-6m , unrefundable, genius idea sir . Of course, you're familiar with this, considering that you've already got 46 prayers.

Yes, I do have 71 prayers, and even if 5-6 percent on my level 70 stats is another 4 levels in every stat. Which considering the stats he has would be worth 5m, or with no low stats it could be.

Have fun dying then. You're an cheap OSRS gold idiot. We keep saying that you'll never be able to last, yet you insist you know more than the individuals who are actually giving you the advice. Stay there, and a team WILL crash you and you'll end up wasting your $ (which you have) as well as your time (which you'll). Kthxbai.

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