That's kinda brilliant actually

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That's kinda brilliant actually. I am pretty decent at showdowns, having the ability to always grind stage 2 ones and Stubs mlb the show 21 having beaten each the inning ones, but I truly struggle with the divisional ones. I totally hate how I shed my entire rush if I fuck up a miniboss that's absolutely harder than the last boss.

There are some pretty neat ideas here but SDS has been producing improvements. 1st inning showdown was very challenging. I haven't really even tried some of the division ones since MTO is easy enough, fun for me, and can get pretty much all of point 1 finish on veteran. 2nd inning wasn't too bad. IMO the 3rd inning and League showdowns are rather simple so if you're trying hard to win attempt one of these.

To me NL is undoubtedly the one I have had the easiest experience with. I believe the difficulty stays on Veteran the whole time. It benefits from having two mini bosses which both have score 3 runs begin with guy on 2nd. I usually can get at least 8/12 which means that I always have a complete team of golds and at most 9 runs having to score.

I draft players who are good vs rhp, just one newcomer and one reliever with high k/9. After the draft look at the team to final showdown and visit TA to determine which future superstar you'll confront and keep drafting players who kill the hand. Example draft vs rhp subsequently get Col. Rollison who's a lhp, today start to buy MLB The Show 21 Stubs draft more men that do well vs lhp. The majority of the NL bosses are pretty hittable.

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