What has the impact of inflation been and just how challenging

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Hello guys, So Best OSRS Gold site not sure if there is still people hanging around who know mepersonally, but that's mostly irrelevant. So I used to be a long time player, but I retired forever just shy of 3 decades back. I am interested now in making a slight return, looking for a match to fool around in while I'm not too busy and also to fill the gaps in time.

Problem is, a lot has changed. Even compared to 3 years back and while I'm sure it would not all be overly difficult. I have no idea of where to begin. Among the main problems is that my first character was completely lost to me personally and I see no way to get him back as saddening as it is. I have another character (with nowhere close to the achievements my previous account needed, but still better than starting off from scratch) that I might use to continue off with.

There was a brief intermediate interval in which I played for a month or 2 on this other account because my previous one was hacked, but I do not remember too much information from the way in which the match was when this was.

Some fundamental questions: What is the grind like today? What has the impact of inflation been and just how challenging is that the moneymaking process from scratch? Is there still a population for a lot of these activities? Where do you suggest I start if I were to start? I've heard about buying membership with ingame money, what's this like? Is it effortless to upkeep or not and what's the cost like?

Lets see if I could offer some answers. What is the grind like today? In the last couple of years xp rates of a great deal of skill have been buffed, so there is much less grind. What has the effect of inflation been and how challenging is the moneymaking process from scratch? Moneymaking now is mostly confined to combat, bossing specifically. Skilling generally gives restricted profit compared to what cheap RS gold I mentioned before.

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