Condo vs. Apartment: Choosing the Right Living Space

One fundamental difference lies in ownership. A condo involves ownership of the unit, including the interior space, while sharing ownership of common areas with other condo residents. An apartment typically involves renting a unit from a landlord or property management company.

When it comes to urban living, two popular options that often come to mind are condominiums (condos) and apartments. Both offer convenient and compact living solutions, especially in bustling cities like Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

In this blog, we'll explore the differences between condos and apartments to help you make an informed decision. Additionally, we'll introduce Realtor Waheed, a trusted real estate platform in Ontario, Canada, with a focus on houses for sale in Toronto.

1. Ownership Structure

One fundamental difference lies in ownership. A condo involves ownership of the unit, including the interior space, while sharing ownership of common areas with other condo residents. An apartment typically involves renting a unit from a landlord or property management company.

2. Investment and Equity

When you buy a condo, you're making an investment that can appreciate over time, potentially leading to a return on investment. In contrast, renting an apartment doesn't build equity, but it can offer flexibility in terms of location and the option to save for other investments.

3. Maintenance and Upkeep

Condo owners are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of their units. This can include repairs, renovations, and other interior work. Apartment renters, on the other hand, usually have maintenance and repairs handled by the property management or landlord.

4. Monthly Costs

Condo living involves monthly fees, often called maintenance fees, which cover shared costs like building maintenance, security, and amenities. Apartments usually have a set monthly rent that covers living costs, with utilities sometimes included.

5. Amenities and Facilities

Condos often boast a variety of amenities like gyms, pools, rooftop gardens, and more, providing a luxurious lifestyle. While some apartment buildings offer amenities, they may not be as extensive as those in condos.

Realtor Waheed: Your Gateway to Homes in Toronto

For those seeking houses for sale in Toronto, Realtor Waheed offers a wide array of options and expertise. Their platform, Realtor Waheed, is a go-to destination for individuals looking to invest in Toronto's real estate market. Whether you're interested in condos, apartments, or houses, Realtor Waheed's platform provides comprehensive listings and assistance to help you find your ideal living space.


Choosing between a condo and an apartment involves considering factors like ownership, investment, maintenance, costs, and amenities. Both options cater to different lifestyles and preferences.

For potential buyers seeking houses for sale in Toronto, Realtor Waheed's platform is a valuable resource. Ultimately, the decision comes down to your financial situation, lifestyle, and long-term goals.

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