Natural Shilajit Resin

Natural shilajit resin comes from crevices in the Himalaya and Tibet Mountains and resembles tar, with varying hues from yellowish to black (black is considered to be the most nutritionally valuable).

Natural shilajit resin comes from crevices in the Himalaya and Tibet Mountains and resembles tar, with varying hues from yellowish to black (black is considered to be the most nutritionally valuable). It has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine and there is now a growing body of scientific research supporting its benefits.

Shilajit is composed of fulvic and humic acids, which provide the body with key nutrients including calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and manganese. Additionally, shilajit contains a wide variety of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. These amino acids help the body produce ATP, which is the energy that drives almost every function of the body and mind.

In addition, shilajit is rich in antioxidants that protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. It also contains phytochemicals that are known to enhance the absorption of minerals.

As the world is becoming increasingly polluted, shilajit can help detoxify the body and prevent free radical damage. It can also assist with weight loss and improve cardiovascular health. In fact, a study published in the journal PLOS One found that shilajit was able to reduce the amount of oxidative stress in the blood of the participants who took it.

Another potential benefit of shilajit is its ability to increase libido and boost overall sexual performance. It is thought to work by regulating hormone levels and increasing testosterone and prolactin. In addition, shilajit is known to relieve fatigue and promote general well-being.

In terms of mental health, shilajit is believed to have anti-depressant properties and may improve memory. It also works to stimulate the production of nitric oxide, which is essential for proper circulation and oxygenation in the brain.

Studies also suggest that shilajit has strong antiviral properties. This means that it can prevent herpes viruses and genital warts from forming. It is also thought to be a powerful anti-inflammatory and can ease gastrointestinal tract pains, such as gastric ulcers.

Due to its many potential benefits, shilajit is widely used as a health supplement. It is a safe and natural substance that can be taken orally or applied topically. If you are taking it orally, it is recommended to start with a small quantity and gradually increase the dosage. If applying topically, a thin layer of shilajit can be massaged into the skin, and it is best to use a carrier oil like coconut oil, which will make the application easier.