The Upper Eyeglasses Frame Will Be Better Not Exceed The Eyebrow Bone

Let's first understand what a suitable cheapest eyeglasses frame is. Pay attention to the position of the upper frame, lower frame, and pile head, and pay attention to the turning position of the mirror legs, which should not be too long or too short.

Let's first understand what a suitable cheapest eyeglasses frame is. Pay attention to the position of the upper frame, lower frame, and pile head, and pay attention to the turning position of the mirror legs, which should not be too long or too short.


The upper frame should not exceed the eyebrow bone, the lower frame should not exceed the middle of the nasal wing, and the pile head should not exceed the ear side position. This is the most basic requirement, except for some special discountglasses constructions.


From the center of the eyebrows to the underside of the nasal wings is the atrium, and here we consider the ratio of the atrium to the three courtyards. If the proportion of the atrium is short, a frame with a shorter height should be chosen; If the proportion of the atrium is relatively long, a higher discount prescription glasses frame should be chosen.


Note that the proportion of the atrium refers to the proportion of the atrium relative to the upper and lower courtyards. If the proportion of the atrium is moderate, you can choose a longer or shorter frame.


Of course, it is not ruled out that wearing longer frames for shorter courtyards, or wearing shorter frames for longer courtyards, will not be discussed for aesthetic differences.


Quantitative sensation refers to the proportion of facial features in the face. The facial features are three-dimensional and account for a large proportion of the face, with a greater sense of volume. Choosing a wide frame will make the head feel heavy and unbalanced. So you can choose a slightly narrower frame.


Her facial features are delicate and her sense of volume is relatively small. Choosing a wider frame will make people feel more energetic and their facial features will be more three-dimensional and prominent. Of course, narrow frames do not mean you cannot choose at all. Narrow frames convey a sense of bookishness.

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