Identify the significance of the BIM model for the construction industry

“Lean Construction and Building Information Modelling (BIM)” are the valuable changes that have driven the construction industry. In recent research, the BIM model has been identified as one of the advanced technologies

“Lean Construction and Building Information Modelling (BIM)” are the valuable changes that have driven the construction industry. In recent research, the BIM model has been identified as one of the advanced technologies that have helped the construction industry to be flexible and meet its target by managing projects within the given deadline. Project drawing, logistic flows, and construction process can be set well within the BIM model to maintain the industrial high compatibility.

The BIM model is one of the useful technological tools that focus on the management of the economic condition of construction businesses. The researcher has identified that there are many articles that deliver effective information about the BIM model and by reviewing those articles the researcher has gathered related information that is evaluated in the study.

The BIM model has proved as one of the supporting technological tools in the construction industry that leads to the enhancement of efficiency of the employees. There are nearly 1.38 million people were employed in the construction industry in Malaysia which has indicated that the number of employees has been reduced compared to the previous years (, 2021). There are some potential risks within the BIM model in the construction industry which are identified and evaluated in this portion of the study.

As stated by Demirkesenet al. (2021), the usage of modern technology such as the BIM model in many factors has increased because the usage of technology makes it easier to complete the work faster. Thus, with the usage of technology, the percentage of unclear data ownership is increasing in Malaysia which is one of the major risks in the construction industry.

In addition to that, a lack of effective knowledge and skills among the employees is another potential risk in implementing the BIM model in the construction process. It is very important to have effective communication skills among the employees to ensure effective teamwork which leads to an effective business growth.

Definition of key terms:

BIM model: “Building Information Modelling (BIM)” is an effective technique that can be supported by multiple technologies, tools, and contracts including the management and generation of the digital portrayal of functional and physical characteristics of places. Especially for a built asset, it is the holistic process of managing and creating information (El-Samadonyet al. 2020). It is a platform to share communication and knowledge between project participants and the operators.

Lean construction: “Lean Construction” is a “respect- and relationship-oriented production management-based approach” to balance the process of project delivery. It is basically a trendy transformational way to build and design capital facilities in the construction industry (Herrera et al. 2021). In the project system, lean construction is looking for a single opportunity to manage the possible wastes.

Project management: Project management is the procedure of conducting a team to achieve the potential goals and finish accomplishments within a set timeframe. It helps to complete any business administration by involving the practice of planning, initiating, controlling, executing, and closing the work of a team.

Strategy: Strategy is basically considered a plan of action designed to gain a long-term desire to develop an individual business growth. In any business process, strategies provide the framework for plans by tying with operational decisions. It helps to increase organizational effectiveness that is proved as helpful in the building construction industry modified.

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