Turkey transit visa for yemeni citizens

Turkey Transit e-visa enables smooth travel for individuals with layovers in Turkey, granting them the opportunity to venture beyond the airport and immerse themselves in the country's vibrant culture and attractions. Thanks to a simple online application process, travelers can easil


Traveling can be an exciting yet complex experience, especially when it involves multiple countries. Obtaining a Turkey transit e-visa for Yemeni citizens is essential to ensure a smooth journey. This blog post provides a comprehensive guide to understanding the Turkey Transit eVisa, detailing its requirements, application process, processing time, and benefits, specifically tailored for Yemeni travelers.

What is the Turkey Transit eVisa?

The Turkey Transit eVisa is an electronic travel authorization that allows travelers to transit through Turkey's airports. Designed for passengers who have layovers in Turkey en route to their final destinations, the eVisa simplifies the entry process and eliminates the need for traditional visa applications. This digital visa can be easily obtained online, making it a convenient option for travelers needing to pass through Turkey.

Turkey Transit eVisa Requirements

To apply for a Turkish transit e-visa, yemeni citizens must adhere to the Turkey Transit e-Visa requirements, which include:

  1. Valid Passport: The applicant's passport must be valid for at least six months beyond the intended stay in Turkey.
  2. Personal Email Address: A functional email address is required to receive updates and the eVisa itself.
  3. Payment Method: A credit or debit card is necessary to pay the eVisa processing fee. The system also accepts payments through trusted payment channels.

Meeting these requirements is crucial for a successful eVisa application, ensuring that Yemeni travellers can transit through Turkey without complications.

How to Apply for a Turkey Transit eVisa

Applying for a Turkey Transit eVisa is a straightforward process that can be completed entirely online. Yemeni citizens can follow these steps:

1- Fill out the Application Form: Begin by accurately completing the Turkey Transit e-Visa application form, providing all the required personal and travel information.

2- Upload Required Documents: You will need to upload digital copies of your passport and any other necessary documents as per the requirements.

3- Make Payment: Pay the visa processing fee securely using a credit or debit card. The system also accepts payments through trusted payment channels.

4- Receive E-Visa Confirmation: Once your application is processed successfully, you will receive the transit eVisa confirmation via email.

5- Print E-Visa: Print out a copy of the eVisa confirmation to present to immigration authorities upon arrival in Turkey.

By following these steps, Yemeni citizens can efficiently secure their Turkey Transit eVisa, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free transit experience.

Processing Time of Turkey Transit eVisa

The processing time for a Turkey eVisa for Yemeni citizens can vary depending on the selected processing option. The Turkish government offers different processing speeds to accommodate various travel needs:

1- Normal Processing: The normal processing option typically takes 1 business day for the eVisa to be processed and approved. This standard processing time is suitable for most travellers who apply well in advance of their intended travel dates.

2- Rush Processing: For those who need their eVisa more urgently, the rush processing option expedites the application process. This option generally takes approximately 6-12 hours for the eVisa to be approved.

3- Super Rush Processing: The super rush processing option is the fastest way to obtain a Turkey eVisa. Ideal for travelers with last-minute plans or those requiring immediate visa approval, this option processes and approves the eVisa within a very short timeframe, typically within 1-4 hours .

These varying processing times allow Yemeni travelers to choose the option that best fits their travel schedule and urgency, ensuring they can secure their eVisa in a timely manner.

Benefits of Turkey Transit eVisa for Yemeni Citizens

The Turkey Transit eVisa offers several advantages for Yemeni citizens, enhancing their travel experience:

  1. Convenience: The entire application process is online. This convenience saves time and reduces the stress associated with obtaining travel documents.
  2. Expedited Entry: With the eVisa in hand, travelers enjoy a faster and smoother entry process at Turkish airports. This efficiency is particularly beneficial during short layovers.
  3. Flexibility: The eVisa allows travelers to explore Turkey during their layover, provided their stay does not exceed the 72-hour limit. This offers an opportunity to experience Turkish culture and attractions.
  4. Enhanced Security: The eVisa system includes security checks, ensuring that only eligible travelers receive authorization to enter Turkey. This contributes to the overall safety and security of both travelers and the host country.
  5. Cost-Effective: The eVisa application process is generally more affordable than traditional visa applications, making it a cost-effective option for Yemeni travelers.
  6. Peace of Mind: Having the eVisa before travel provides peace of mind, knowing that all entry requirements are met and that the transit through Turkey will be smooth and without complications.


For Yemeni citizens transiting through Turkey, the Turkey Transit eVisa is an invaluable tool that simplifies the travel process. By understanding the requirements, application process, and benefits, travelers can ensure a seamless journey through Turkish airports. Whether you're on a short layover or have a few days to explore Turkey, the eVisa provides the flexibility and convenience needed to make the most of your travel experience.

Planning ahead and securing your Turkey Transit eVisa well in advance of your travel dates will ensure a stress-free and enjoyable journey. With this guide, Yemeni travelers can confidently navigate the transit process, making their trip through Turkey smooth and memorable.