P.D. I do agree with making the leveling somewhat

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We played on a Personal Server a few months back on patch 4.7, and the grind was much easier because of the additional quests and aion classic kinah instances. Playing Classic for us is going to be for rifting at the 30s/40s, and doing DP and Dredgion PvP at level 50 all over again, without being hugely outgeared by eternal officer pvp gear. So we are glad the grind won't be as bad, since we can reach that point faster than grinding for months through the dull 30-40 levels.

This is only my view, there may be people who enjoy the grind, but I think that it helps sustain the participant base by having it grindy. Most people who are coming back to classic are 10-12 years older than when we first played it, and likely do not have all the free time we had back in our younger days, myself included being 27 now in contrast to enjoying it in college.

Well, the issue is making it too easy, this can be an MMORPG and a Classic server of Aion no less, therefore it must be as it had been if not what is the point? You say it requires a lot of time to level up and you're right, but that's the point!

This is not a mobile game that you could just make it AFK or a sport in which you can pay for into the top level, and I feel this is mostly centered on the old player base while I do agree some areas of the leveling was slow, but that's how it was. You might say people don't have that much time anymore we're not children anymore.... and?

Back in 2009-2010 I'd just started school and had to work also, because of the I was just able to play 2-3 hours a day and enjoy most of the"grinding" and leveling, some of my own legion-mates were busy with work and life, ofc there were people who may play 6-7 hours every day but not even one could believe - Oh I'm busy so this match should be quicker to level up because"I" can not put the time...

You cant place the time that is ok, people have different schedules and responsibilities but this genre was made for a slow burner, that's one of the reasons why the genre remains in life-support because they try to make it fast and simple when this ought to be rewarding and challenging at the exact same time, you wouldn't request an FPS game to have an auto-aim right?

P.D. I do agree with making the leveling somewhat quicker, but NCsoft has proven many times they can not restrain their greed and if they're given a small explanation, they'll fill the match in the first 2 weeks with P2W stuff.

I will definitely see where you are coming out, but I'm confident it will be far from'too' simple. It's still going to have a month or two at minimum for casual players to attain maximum level, even if they're playing everyday. The grind will still be there, we will nevertheless be doing FT many many times, grinding several elites and euro aion classic buy kinah a lot of repeatable quests to go from 30-45, it's just going to be much less than it was at launch.

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