I feel that the differences we see are inside the boundaries of evolutionary divergence

I feel that the differences we see are inside the boundaries of evolutionary divergence

However, due to the time period that passed, they can't anticipate changes that are extreme in the ecosystem of Ragol. The similarities you may see between the wolves, apes and rappies from the forest are ever present and still appear to PSO2 Meseta be associated even though they clearly demonstrate quite a few differences. For comparison, we know that orangutans and gorillas are sorta as apes. They reveal a number of differences that are easily marked but are still obviously within the family tree. I feel that the differences we see are inside the boundaries of evolutionary divergence.

I also need to bring up that there is no reference of Pioneer two or what happened to it everywhere. This further supports the concept that the governing powers are trying to hide the threat which Dark Falz presents while also hoping to cover up the massive loss of life they were partly responsible for. So not only does the indigenous fauna of Naverius encourage the idea that we are fighting on Ragol renamed, but also the context of the story where ARKS only was able to defeat Dark Falz after an intense loss of life from Pioneer 2 and 1.

Explanations in Episode two make it doubtful that the folks of the Oracle Fleet could be descendents of both Pioneer II or its parent culture. Pioneer II had basic techniques and photon weapons, but photon technology was not understood to the Oracle Fleet before a study boat found Xion, who taught them, along with her advice the first Photoners became unbelievably powerful. Pioneer II then lost a few of its more advanced photon technology like photon arts, and would have to get split after the discovery of Xion.

I believe the background of Pioneer 1 and two separate themselves enough to describe that. Pioneer 2 and 1 were shipped out as ancient scouts for worlds. Ragol itself was among the worlds scouted for Pioneer 1 and habitation was sent out with Pioneer two behind with the wave. Pioneer 1 was deconstructed and used as construction material for the colony and Pioneer 2 orbited Ragol during PSO's events. I feel that the photoners, those who visited Xion, were part of another Pioneer ship (we'll say 3 for the sake of caution ) and that contribute to the growth of this Oracle Fleet.

Pioneer 3 is probably what was upgraded into the Oracle Mothership and allowed it to salvage the remaining part of the civilization that the Pioneer ships were meant to save. Given Luther's standing, it suggests the photoners may be equivalent. It would fall in line with the technology on Pioneer 1 and 2 as well as Xion being the progress catalyst for what we use today. Spoilers Dark Falz out of PSO2 derive their power. The Profound Darkness is pso2 buying meseta a clone of Xion.

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