I would not be shocked if Challenge Mode gets added as filler Ep3 stuff tbh

I would not be shocked if Challenge Mode gets added as filler Ep3 stuff tbh

I would not be shocked if Challenge Mode gets added as filler Ep3 stuff tbh, as we only have PD + TD4. Chances are we won't be caught up till at least like, q2 2021. Begin of ep6 and things will probably have to start being taken slower by ending of PSO2AH ep5, and we are going to have etoile + gunslash successor to get. Not to mention stuff and seasonals we don't have. A few of those weapons require some time to get. I'm certainly eager for crafting. Couldn't play ranger without my crafts from JP. BIG question Why are we gonna get Lilliparium drops to prep for crafting?? Because how the hell are we all likely to level crafting without them at any decent speed.

Lets hope Steam release replaces gameguard with VAC, because holy fuck that malware of a"you cant play despite no unsuitable apps in error log files and nprotect support tells you to turn off gambling services and xbox program services REQUIRED TO BLOODY RUN Phantasy Star Online 2" piece of shit can rot.Don't rely on it... SEGA's been loyal to GameGuard ever since Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst days + Lots of MMOs on Steam do still use third party anti-cheat applications like Xigncode and that sort of thing. The ideal chance to have gotten rid of this would have been on the MS shop but it appears through some hacky procedure or Microsoft creating an exception that they could implement it so... yea. Releasing on Steam is probably not going to change much.

If just the current switch version was great. PSO2 on change is merely a streamed version of Phantasy Star Online 2 along with the input is pretty bad.To be fair, is it bad for individuals playing it where it is intended to be participant? Or is it bad for people on the other side of the planet trying to play a game streamed out of Japan? Japan on average has better internet speeds compared to the US, and is also a lot smaller, so in case the servers are similar to in Chicago or Dallas subsequently a person from say, California would probably have a higher ping than you'd get from likely only about anyplace in Japan playing on Japanese servers.

We can dream, though it's unlikely there will be a ps4/5 variation in NA, or if there is it'll be an entirely different ecosystem, since the recent characters are connected to a Xbox live account. Given how difficult it's to have Sony and Microsoft to play nice together, I doubt we'll be able to log into our Xbox accounts Playstation anytime soon, and I doubly doubt they'll execute a new account to tie your personalities to only so we can log in there.If so, then I will point out that in all fairness, that's Minecraft. It's basically among the greatest gaming properties on earth at this point, so constraints that apply in the instances of other games will acquire real effort.

Well I am bummed, I wanted to play the NA version but I am having all sorts of problems on PC. I tried installing it via the MS Shop on a secondary drive and it dropped a whole lot of files from the main directory of this drive (probably MS Shop stuff) and then some data in my Documents directory. I uninstalled it and it didn't appear to cheap Phantasy Star Online 2 Meseta eliminate anything, and I had to fiddle about with permissions to receive of the stuff to delete. Tried installing through the shop and it keeps saying"Something occurred on our conclusion. Anyhow I'm frustrated that Microsoft apparently can not work out how to install apps without dumping crap wherever it needs. I guess I will check in on Phantasy Star Online 2 again in a month.

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