Why Is Smart so Popular and Relevant in Strategic Industries

SCADA systems (supervisory control and data acquisition) are and have been used by strategic industries for over 50 years now.

The “things” in the SCADA system are typically actuators, sensors and IEDs (Intelligent Electronic Devices not to be confused with improvised explosive devices !!). Remote terminal units (RTUs) and PLCs Programmable logic controllers (PLCs) provide the “network” to feed the data generated from the actuators, sensors and IEDs back to the supervisory computer system with provides the control. In fact, it can be argued that late-generation SCADA systems developed into the first IoT systems.

The difference between a SCADA control system and a Smart system is:

More sensors - provide a more complete picture of what is happening in the network
More systems - instead of just simple control of speeds and feeds, sensors are used to monitor access control environmental conditions or new sub-systems added into the smart system e.g lighting
More control – provide more granular control of the systems being monitored
More intelligence - knowledge based systems are used to the systems instead of the simple control systems of the past

We have an intersection of challenges and solutions which make now the perfect time for the evolution to Smart systems.

Challenges: Strategic industries are being challenged to provide better security, safety and customer services whilst becoming more environmentally friendly. Everything has moved to IP, but the existing communications networks used to transport SCADA are not optimized for IP and is also in many cases they are well past end-of-life.

More info: cisco call manager

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