How do Final Fantasy XIV players change the server?

Final Fantasy XIV has eight data centers, of which three are dedicated to North American players, three are four Japanese players, and the last two are for European players.

Final Fantasy XIV has eight data centers, of which three are dedicated to North American players, three are four Japanese players, and the last two are for European players. Choosing a player’s data center is as important as choosing their server, so make sure this is the most suitable for them.

Players must know that the data center they choose is only the beginning of the process before delving into it, because players need to choose their FFXIV Gil under the data center they decide to choose. If players change the Final Fantasy XIV server, they will see a pool of home worlds to choose from. And changing the player’s home world is done through the account management website of Final Fantasy XIV. Players need to follow specific steps.

But it should be noted that if players want to enter a specific data center, they must choose one of its many Home World. At the same time, they can also get the items they want through buy Cheap FFXIV Gil. In addition, players who move from a crowded world to a recommended world will also receive rewards to help them push them away from overcrowded servers to help maintain stability and balance.

Final Fantasy XIV players change the server is a very important choice, we must find the most suitable for the players themselves. If there is something you don’t understand, players can check the relevant guide or leave us a message!