Wonderful performance of Chemistry

The 2021 Tokyo Olympic Games has been successfully concluded. I believe you have been paying attention to the performance of the Chinese delegation all the time. At present, the ranking of the number of gold medals and medals of the Chinese team is very considerable, and the Chinese people

How much do you know about "chemical knowledge" of 2021 Tokyo Olympic Games?

chemical is closely related to our life

The 2021 Tokyo Olympic Games has been successfully concluded. I believe you have been paying attention to the performance of the Chinese delegation all the time. At present, the ranking of the number of gold medals and medals of the Chinese team is very considerable, and the Chinese people are also very happy and excited. But behind these exciting competitions, do you think about what little chemical knowledge will be involved in the Olympic Games? Today, we walk into the chemistry class of the Olympic Games.

1、 Propane fuel for the Olympic torch

When passing the Olympic torch, everyone will find that the fire in the torch will not go out whether it is windy or rainy. This is not only related to the high-tech burner, but also related to the fuel of the torch. The torch of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games in China chose propane as the fuel. After propane combustion, it only produces carbon dioxide and water vapor, which will not cause great pollution to the environment, but the most important thing is that propane combustion can adapt to a wide temperature range. At minus 40 ℃, it can still produce more than one saturated steam pressure, which is higher than the external atmospheric pressure, so as to continue combustion. Moreover, propane combustion can produce a bright yellow flame, which can also bring better visual effect to the audience.

2、 White smoke of starting gun

When we watch the beginning of track and field events, we often see a white smoke from the gun in your hand. How does this white smoke come into being? This is because the gunpowder used in the starting gun is mainly composed of red phosphorus and potassium chlorate. These two compounds will react violently and make a sound after collision. The white smoke here is phosphorus pentoxide, the reaction product of red phosphorus and potassium chlorate. In addition, the generation of white smoke can also enable the timekeeper to time more accurately, because everyone knows that the propagation of sound waves takes a certain time. The timekeeper can directly watch the generation of white smoke in the competition and press the timer more punctually.


Generated P2O5 white solid small particles (forming white smoke)

3、 The "blue" water in the swimming pool

When watching Olympic events such as swimming and diving, curious friends will find that how can the water in the pool be so blue? As we all know, the water quality standard of the Olympic Games must be very strict, so in order to better sterilize, disinfect and maintain the water quality, the organizers will add a large amount of copper sulfate aqueous solution, alum (aluminum potassium sulfate dodecahydrate) and some disinfectants such as sodium hypochlorite to the pool, and the copper sulfate solution itself is a sky blue transparent liquid, So this will cause the water in the swimming pool to turn blue. It is also precisely because so many chemical reagents are added to the pool, so no matter swimmers or divers, they will wash immediately after they get out of the water to prevent skin damage.

4、 Magnesium powder rubbed by Weightlifters

Magnesium powder, mainly composed of magnesium carbonate, is a silver white powder with metallic luster. This powder has certain granularity and is a common anti-skid agent and desiccant. Therefore, weightlifters or some track and field athletes will apply some magnesium powder before the competition, which can not only keep the palms of athletes dry, but also improve the friction between athletes and sports equipment, so as to complete the competition more perfectly and safely.

5、 Talc powder applied by gymnasts

Talc powder is mainly composed of magnesium silicate. This powder is very delicate and has excellent lubrication. Therefore, gymnasts will wipe some talc powder on their hands before doing single and parallel bars. This can reduce the friction between the athlete's palm and the single and double pole, so that the athlete can make beautiful, flexible and smooth movements during the competition.