WOW TBC Classic - Blizzard fixed the Brewfest timing error

Seasonal events in WoW are speculated to be fun, limited time events where players can obtain rare items or loot. Brewfest did offer players the possibility to induce the fabled Brewfest Ram, but the 2021 iteration didn't go very smoothly, and was apparently inhibit by Blizzard.

Seasonal events in WoW are speculated to be fun, limited time events where players can obtain rare items or loot. Brewfest did offer players the possibility to induce the fabled Brewfest Ram, but the 2021 iteration didn't go very smoothly, and was apparently inhibit by Blizzard.

According to official releases when the update went live, Brewfest was alleged to last until October 6 within the Burning Crusade Classic, however when players logged in to WoW on Oct. 4, they found things had apparently already committed.

“Wtf horde side had like 3 days one TBC Classic Gold quest bugged, are they drunk?” one user on Reddit wondered, to which another replied “no, they merely don't care.”

To break it down, during the primary few days of Brewfest an enquiry to gather coins for the special mount was bugged so players weren't ready to start saving up. Blizzard and other third-party sites (Dexerto included) reported that the event would last until October 6.

So, when players logged in on October 4 expecting to possess some more days to grind, they really found the event over. As you may expect, lots of them weren't too happy.

Don't go logging onto the Blizzard forums to share a bit of your mind just yet though, as WoW Classic devs looked as if it would have realized their mistake, and brought the event back for the first amount of your time.

According to a bluetext on the official World of Warcraft forum Brewfest should be back online until 23:59 server time on October 5, as originally reported.

It might not form up for the few hours that the WOW TBC Gold event was unavailable, but players that are diligently grinding coins should be able to unlock either the Swift Brewfest Ram or the nice Brewfest Kodo still, despite the scheduling debacle.

Buying TBC Classic Gold is the most common and convenient method to gat gold quickly in game, because you don't need to kill monsters and sell useless loot, and you don't need to spend a long time completing the tedious quest chain. You only need to go to the official website of MMOWTS, enter the WOW TBC Classic Gold page and select the quantity you want to purchase and place an order. After the payment is successful, you will receive your gold in the game soon.