The importance of scooter shock absorbers

In simple terms, the goal of suspension is for the vehicle to take the impact of the friction between the road surface and the wheel, offering a smoother ride so that the rider is comfortable and won’t lose control of the vehicle.

What is suspension?
You’ve probably heard this word used a lot, especially in the context of cars. Rear Fork Motorcycle is the system within a vehicle that finds the right balance between road handling and ride quality. Getting it right can be difficult which is why engineers spend a lot of time working on vehicle suspension.

In simple terms, the goal of suspension is for the vehicle to take the impact of the friction between the road surface and the wheel, offering a smoother ride so that the rider is comfortable and won’t lose control of the vehicle.

Why do you need suspension?
If all roads were perfectly flat, we wouldn’t need suspension. However, that’s not the case with even new roads having slight bumps and dips. These imperfections in the road are what apply force to the wheel of a vehicle.

Newton’s laws of motion state that all forces have both magnitude and direction. When a wheel hits a bump in the road, it causes the wheel to move up and down perpendicular to the road. How high the wheel moves depends on the size of the bump in the road. What the wheel experiences over a bump is known as vertical acceleration.

Have you ever gone over a bump in the road and felt the full impact? That’s a sign of poor suspension. Having a suspension system where the energy is absorbed means the frame and body of the vehicle will continue undisturbed while the wheels follow bumps in the road.

Why is suspension important for electric scooters?
Electric scooter suspension is important for two reasons:

A smoother ride

Ability to safely accelerate, brake, and tackle corners

It’s important to note that not all electric scooters have suspension, and of those that do, some suspension systems aren’t as effective as others.

If you rode an electric scooter without suspension and then rode one with it, you’d definitely be able to notice the difference - that’s how important suspension is. One ride would be considerably smoother than the other, and you can probably guess which one would be more enjoyable.

While being thrown around and trying to hold on for dear life might have been a fun game when you were a child in the backseat of the car, you probably don’t want to get to your destination feeling battered and bruised if you’ve simply commuted on a flat road. So why wouldn’t you invest in good suspension for your electric scooter?

Different electric scooter terrain
Small bumps and potholes can be a nightmare with bad suspension, even on fairly flat roads. Selecting an electric scooter with good suspension can make all the difference. If you plan on taking your e-scooter off-road to add some excitement, then you’ll definitely need one with good shock absorbers or Scooter Shock Absorber to take the brunt of the impact.