Weapons like god claws and sword

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-Lobster Pot. (Once again you may want 60 fishing so that you receive the swordfish alot faster.)

Levels 60-99: For levels 60-99, you may need: -Money (Again) -Harpoon Ok, this is it. You may fish for swordfish and RuneScape gold tuna at Musa Point until level 99 fishing. Congratulations! You've reached level 99 Fishing! I hope this guide helped, as it helped me. 13 excursions I have a Dharok helm which I recalled was 5m from analyzing the GE therefore my first reaction was WTF. But I just had 3m total things when I got it because of wasting away in pvp worlds, so I spent the cash on random items and then I decided to do what I loved most - 1 iteming. Which I really had much more effective trips doing making 1.5m off statuettes.

The neighborhood sucks, so I am not coming back. And please, I don't attack random serious PKers, that is a waste of my salmon and 4 casts of ice blitz. I tried out RuneScapeHD, I had mixed feelings about - I would be tempted to come back if the images were a step above the present RSHD - one thing I disliked was the menus on RSHD are retardedly difficult to navigate and poorly set up, Jagex did a fantastic job on the graphics but it appears they only threw together the port of it, what a shame. While studying RSHD in barrows I got yet another dharok helm, so that I now have random crap in my own bank that will decline in cost and 11 mil money, still nothing compared to my prime but eh like I care. In complete honesty, I was happy with RS, a couple things I didn't try but I think that the game is slowly advancing to be better than it ever was, so Jagex, do not delete my accounts, cause hell in a couple of years I might return. Discuss modifications in RS since the summer of 07.

In my opinion RuneScape this update is the best ever

Weapons like god claws and swords with ridiculously overpowered specials should never have been made in the first location. JaGeX does not need to launch a single dragon weapon for every weapon in the game. Weapons like godswords with their crazily overpowered 132+ into strength allowing you to hit well over what your strength level has allowed you for decades should never have been permitted in pking. The only reason they have been is because if you wanted to be in a position to do enormous amounts of damage you had been required to risk the things worth in the process. (However this was usually not the case as 80% of those risking were permitted to buy OSRS gold item safeguard their godsword).

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