New World MMO needs to make changes, otherwise players will continue to be lost

Compared with the current New World, you can hardly imagine that the game had 900,000 concurrent players when it was first released. This achievement makes New World one of the games with the largest number of players on Steam so far.

Compared with the current New World, you can hardly imagine that the game had 900,000 concurrent players when it was first released. This achievement makes New World one of the games with the largest number of players on Steam so far. However, six weeks later, the population of each server is now much lower than in the past. And this trend continues, I have no doubt that some of the latest open servers will eventually become empty.

Of course, I don't want things to develop like this, because I am also playing this New World Coins game, and I hope to make more new friends. But this month is indeed a daunting challenge for New World. There are many eye-catching games that will continue to appear during this time, including some of the best in other types of games. As the most direct competitor of MMO, FFXIV chose to release new expansions at this time. This is not good news for New World, it is very likely that some players will be attracted to the past and cause more serious population loss.

During this time, the performance of the game was not satisfactory. Players can always find new bugs and exploitable loopholes in various strange situations. These problems affect the game experience of some players and the economy in the game. Although developers keep releasing new patches to solve these problems, it turns out that New World is still not perfect after four delays.

On the other hand, those high-level players have lost their pursuit, and they find it meaningless to do anything. Because there are too few ways for players to earn New World Coins, they can only step into the original trading mode of bartering. For low-level players, difficult grinding and challenges can easily make them exhausted. What can Buy New World Coins make them insist is only the beautiful scenery in the game, which is also one of the rare highlights of New World compared with other MMOs.

I have invested more than 100 hours in the game, so I hope the current number of players can stabilize. As a game that can only be played on the PC side, I think it can be done, provided that the development team is really willing to work hard for this goal. Regardless of the player community or the development team, this is a project they have been looking forward to for several years, and it should not have a bleak end in a few months.

But don't worry, because there is a company that has noticed this problem and is helping players who lack New World Coins - Since it is committed to selling cheap New World Coins and providing quality services. There are also a variety of payment methods for users to choose from, so you can buy with confidence.