Your faction in New World will bring you huge benefits

Faction is not only an icon but also can reflect the control of its own powerful territory in PvP.

Faction is not only an icon but also can reflect the control of its own powerful territory in PvP. In the early days outside of the main quests, they can provide ready XP grant quests. Usually they can provide three at a time, and because two or more of these quests will be close to each other New World Coins or even overlap in the quests area, your XP and reputation gains will be doubled.

In addition to the benefits of XP, you can also use it to obtain Tokens for purchasing various items, such as Weapons or some Crafting items. Except in faction shops, these crafted items are not available elsewhere, so they may become the most valuable things. The Minor Rune of Holding is one of the most useful things in the early days. It allows you to make Satchel, so you should get them as soon as possible. If you want to collect more things before returning to town, Satchel's role becomes very important because it can Buy New World Coins increase your carrying capacity.

Of course, if you are not interested in production work, then they can also give you a semi-decent weapon. Starting from level 10-15, each level of your faction will provide you with different levels of weapons, and as your first level rises to 20-25.

As a novice player, joining a faction in New World will easily help them through the early stages of the game, allowing them to quickly level up. But as the level increases, the New World Coins needed will become very much. To get New World Coins, players can not only get them in the game, but also buy them quickly through the website. NewWorldCoins is a professional selling New World Coins and is loved by the majority of New World, you can also try it!