Do not get me wrong though

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Does this mean I am saying Runescape is not dying? Not necessarily. In the past year and a half roughly OSRS gold has lost 3 of Google fad's activity points. For contrast, between July 2009 and January 2011 (also a span of a year and a half) Runescape lost 43 of Google Trend's activity points.

Of course, as loyal players of the sport for years, we do not want Runescape to become a so-so game, even if it has to do with action. We need Runescape to come back to its glory of the 100,000 participant times. Anything else is too gloomy. So how can Runescape retain its glory? Well, the solution to this isn't too simple. If it had been it might have already been done. Lots of the advancement ideas floating around in my view won't be the magic bullet to Runescape's problems. I of course have thoughts of my own but I will save them for another article. In the meantime, I hope we can return to fishing rocktails and mining ores without having to worry about searching for coffins to our characters. For the time being, anyhow.

Do not get me wrong though, I'm not whining about that. If I wanted to put in the effort to make my accounts aggressive, I would, however, I don't really see the monetary gain out of it. PKing someone would net mepersonally, if I am really fortunate, a few drygores. I am not great with chaining abilities, they will likely outclass me as well. I would rather sit at KK with some friends and Buy RS gold kill it 30 days in 90 minutes and pick up my 1 drygore from that. The only part I might enjoy about PvP is that the delight of this , but I get a lot of this from PvM which I do not feel like I am missing it. Great question though, I'm curious to see other answers.

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