FC Bayern | Salihamidzic manifests itself to Kimmich: Difficult Situation

For the second time within a few days Midfielstar Joshua Kimmich had to go quarantined after he had direct contact with a person infected with the coronavirus. The excitement around the vaccine actrist Kimmich is still paving

For the second time within a few days Midfielder Joshua Gimmick had to go quarantined after he had direct contact with a person infected with the coronavirus. The excitement around the skeptic Kimmich is still not off, which Bayerns Country Incidences board Hasan Salihamidzic in front of the Bundesliga match in FC Augsburg on Friday evening rather failed.

There is always something new to it. We have to deal with the situation and make the most of it, said the 44-year-old at the DAZN microphone.

This is Joshua Kimmich The German champion has repeatedly returned to positive corona cases within the license player in recent months. Thus, last-back Niklass See and Outdoors Josie Statistic were positively tested as part of the recent country tour on Covid-19.

Responding to the decision of Bavarias leaders Gimmick, to have not yet immunized against the Coronavirus, was Salihamidzic for diplomatic words: Of course, my attitude and the club is that we want to vaccinate all because of the only one Way out of the pandemic is. But you also have to accept that not all see it. Its a difficult situation.

Brioche Country Incidence rises to over 625

Should it come in the future that in professional football only players with 2G detection — were allowed to play or tested — in the Bundesliga, Bavarias Country Incidences board emphasized, as always in applicable law: We will just as accept the same The politicians decide. We must pay attention to all the laws in this country.

As a further pandemie-related measure, the Free State of Bavaria has launched the weekend that the major event could take place again without viewers. Country Incidence in Bavaria was on Friday at around 625 new diseases per 100,000 inhabitants within 24 hours.

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