About the new update content of New World

The "Into The Void" update introduces the magical new Void Gauntlet, a weapon that can heal or damage.

Although New World always seems to deal with vulnerabilities such as duplication, always launching fixes or disabling features, this week brought an update focused on adding new things. The "Into The Void" update introduces the magical new Void Gauntlet, a weapon that can heal or damage. Players can also use violence against new enemies, as various Varangians have arrived on the plundered islands. New things can always arouse players’ desire to buy New World Gold.

Therefore, the developers of Amazon Game Studios describe Void Gauntlet as a "magic damage/support hybrid weapon". Hole Fist reduces Intelligence and Focus. There are two weapons to master the tree, one focuses on the damage of Void Gauntlet at close range, and the other provides healing and debuff effects through Orb Of Decay. In addition, it can also make beautiful colors and lights. Therefore, whether in terms of beauty or damage, these new weapons are worth the players to spend New World Gold to purchase and upgrade.

As for the Varangians, they came to Southeast Aeternum to find magic weapons for their boss. Their forms include Varangian Hewer, Varangian Scout, Varangian Knight, and Varangian Archer. Faced with new enemies, players may feel at a loss. But it is helpful to buy New World Gold to enhance ability.

In addition, although Amazon Game Studios' request for the New World mount has not yet been answered, the patch adds a 10% speed gain when the player is running on the road out of combat.

However, after this update, many players complain that the difficulty has increased, especially for single players. So if players want to play the game more smoothly, they can choose to buy New World Gold at IGGM. Because IGGM will provide a 5% discount for the audience on Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday, the discount code is "Thanks".

Attached Link: https://www.iggm.com/new-world-coins