Top Features Of RideBoom Taxi Service

Rideboom continuously strives to develop an ideal technology to make each passenger content with the rides that we provide. We ensure that the highest standards are maintained during each ride. Our top priority is the safety of every passenger or rider. RideBoom guarantees the safe and fas

Rideboom continuously strives to develop an ideal technology to make each passenger content with the rides that we provide. We ensure that the highest standards are maintained during each ride. Our top priority is the safety of every passenger or rider. RideBoom guarantees the safe and fastest drive possible. Each Rideboom driver is highly professional and each one of them follows certain rules and regulations. Each protocol is as per the need of the passengers. Along with all the basic functions, RideBoom also covers some special features in its app. Here are some reasons to prefer RideBoom:

Sharing Trip Details

This feature is for reassurance and security of passengers as well as the driver. RideBoom allows its passengers to share the live status of the trip and all the information about the driver with whomever they wish via email, SMS or through any social media platform. With RideBoom it is also possible to share the pick and drop details.

Two-Way Feedback

When the rider and Driver rate each other after every trip, it is known as a Two-Way Feedback. RideBoom believes in Two-Way feedback and encourages riders and drivers to rate each other. RideBoom cares for the drivers too. And we don’t want any rider to be disrespectful to our drivers. We review those ratings to ensure that everyone is a respectful driver and rider. This way, any driver or rider who tries to violate RideBoom terms gets blocked from using any of our services

Driver Preference

While registering for a rider's account, riders are supposed to select a preferred driver gender. This feature is developed keeping women’s security in mind. All the women who get uncomfortable with male drivers can opt for female drivers. RideBoom female drivers are experts when it comes to driving.

Vehicle Safety And Inspection

RideBoom vehicle inspection centres take special care of each vehicle. We ensure a secure drive by giving a road certificate to our deserved vehicle during inspection. Every RideBoom vehicle must pass the inspection test before driving at RideBoom. Moreover, for the best inspection, RideBoom has partnered with registered trustworthy vehicle testers.


RideBoom gives highly affordable ride service. The charges for each drive are pocket friendly. RideBoom app even lets passengers compare the rides and the selection as per their needs. This way RideBoom creates transparency with its customers.

Know Your Companion

All riders and drivers are compelled to create an account before using RideBoom services. The name, email address, and phone number should be registered on RideBoom before they can avail any of the services of the RideBoom. This way when you request a ride or you accept a ride, you will know all the details of the driver. It includes the driver's name, license plate number, photo, and ratings of that Driver when the driver gets fixed.

Personal Security

Riders and driver's contact mobile numbers are concealed. We do not take any chance in terms of the safety and security of both rider and driver. RideBoom is using secure technology to ensure a healthy communication between rider and passenger keeping all personal information hidden. The driver and Riders are allowed to contact each other via the application without disclosure of personal information.

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