Ever because Rocket League went loose-to-play on September 23rd

Ever because Rocket League went loose-to-play on September 23rd

Ever because Rocket League went loose-to-play on Rocket League Credits September 23rd, gamers of the game on Nintendo Switch had been absolutely not able to play the sport in its cut up-display multiplayer mode. And even though Psyonix announced that a fix for the worm was inside the works as quickly as gamers reached out about it, it seems that the feature-eliminating bug will ultimately be fixed with the release of Rocket League's 2nd in-game season.

Official affirmation on while the malicious program will be fixed got here on December 1st inside the form of a Reddit respond via a Psyonix Community Manager on a submit detailing the imminent features of Rocket League Season 2. Additionally, one Reddit person inquired as to whether or not they might expect cut up-display multiplayer to make a return on lolga.com Nintendo Switch come Season 2, to which the Psyonix Community Manager reassured that it'd, almost three months after the peculiar disappearance of the function.