The poll runs for two weeks

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While hundreds of mounts could be earned in-game through different methods, as other mounts remain entirely rare, players occasionally receive free types as part of promotions or even limited time events. Soon after stepping foot into classic wow gold the realm of death, another mount will probably be given thanks to the latest official announcement. However, its design has not been finalized yet and must be determined by a community survey.

On the official forums, players can vote between 5 ideas consumed from the World of Warcraft artwork team. The options include the Wandering Ancient, Soaring Spelltome, Nerubian Swarmer, Curious Caterpillar, and the Gooey Slimesaber. The poll runs for two weeks until September 18th at 3:00 PM PDT, along with also the choice with the maximum amount of votes across all areas will be made into reality.

Although players won't get their brand new mount until ancient 2021, the voting now shows most heroes are incredibly enthusiastic about riding around on a giant shrub or spider. But everyone who would like to be eligible for this freebie will have to buy wow classic gold have bought Shadowlands before the mount is dispersed next year.

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